Aim: Describe the Feudal System of Japan

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1 Aim: Describe the Feudal System of Japan

2 The Growth of Japanese Civilization
First historic mention of Japan comes from Chinese writings in 1st Century Consisted of hundred of clans controlling their own territories Religion was called Shinto Means “Way of the gods” Based on respect for the forces of nature and on the worship of ancestors 400 CE- Yamato clan had established itself as leading clan Japanese gradually accepted idea of an emperor Served as a figurehead Real ruling power reigned behind the throne 2

3 Influences on Japanese Culture
400’s- Japanese began to have more contact with mainland Asia Came under influence of Chinese ideas & customs Mid 700’s- Japanese imperial court officially accepted Buddhism in Japan Some Buddhist rituals become Shinto and some Shinto gods were worshipped in Buddhist temples Japan Influenced greatly by China Adopted Chinese system of writing Painted landscapes in Chinese manner Modeled government on China’s : Era in Japanese History called Heian period 3

4 Feudalism Erodes Imperial Authority
11th Century- Power of central government began to slip Landowners living away from capital set up private armies Countryside became lawless and dangerous For safety, farmers & landowners traded parts of their land to strong warlords in exchange for protection Each lord surrounded himself with loyal warriors Called Samuri “one who serves” Lived according to code called Bushido (Way of the Warrior) 1192- Shogun (Supreme General) given power of a military dictator 4

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