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Collaborative Filtering Non-negative Matrix Factorization

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1 Collaborative Filtering Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Recommender Systems Collaborative Filtering Non-negative Matrix Factorization

2 Outlines What is a recommender system? Several ways to build one:
Collaborative Filtering Non-negative Matrix Factorization

3 Recommender Systems It’s a platform/system/engine that seeks to predict the “rating” or “preference” a user would give to an item.

4 Applications (in real world) recommends products based on purchase history.

5 Applications (in real world)
Google News recommends new articles based on click and search history.

6 Applications (in real world)
Netflix recommender platform.

7 Netflix Prize Source:
Held in 2009. Challenge was to beat Netflix recommender system, Using Netflix user-movie rating data. 480,000 users 18,000 movies 100M observed ratings, meaning sparsity index = 1.1% = 100𝑀 480𝐾 ×18𝐾 % Winner gets got $1M dollars. Bellcor’s Pragmatic Chaos [their algorithm:

8 What is Collaborative Filtering?
Intuition: Personal preferences are correlated. If Alice loves items P and Q, and Bob loves P, Q and R, Then Alice is more likely to love R Collaborative Filtering Task STEP 1: Discover patterns in observed preference behavior (e.g., purchase history, item ratings, etc.) across community of users. STEP 2: Then predict new preferences based on those patterns. It does not rely on item or user attributes (e.g., demographic info, author, genre, producer, etc.)

9 What is collaborative Filtering?

10 An example dataset Let’s consider a 4-user on 3-item rating dataset below: ID user item rating 241 u1 m1 2 222 m3 3 276 u2 5 273 m2 200 u3 229 231 1 239 u4 286

11 An example dataset Let’s consider a 4-user (u1, u2, u3, u4) on 3-item (m1, m2, m3) review dataset below: Let’s prepare a user-item rating matrix: m1 m2 m3 u1 2 ? 3 u2 5 u3 1 u4 ID user item rating 241 u1 m1 2 222 m3 3 276 u2 5 273 m2 200 u3 229 231 1 239 u4 286

12 What is collaborative Filtering?

13 (Item-based) Collaborative Filtering
The similarities between different items in the dataset are computed by using one from a number of similarity measures, then these similarity values are used to predict ratings for user-item pairs not present in the dataset. Similarity measures: Cosine similarity Pearson correlation based similarity Adjusted Cosine similarity

14 Cosine Similarity cos 0 𝑜 =1 cos 90 𝑜 =0 cos 180 𝑜 =−1
Given two item vectors, 𝑎 , 𝑏 ; and you know the definition of vector dot product: 𝑎 . 𝑏 = 𝑎 𝑏 cos 𝜃 , where 𝜃 is the angle between the two vectors. So, cos 𝜃 = 𝑎 . 𝑏 𝑎 𝑏 =𝑠𝑖𝑚( 𝑎 , 𝑏 ) Figure courtesy: C.S. Perone

15 Cosine Similarity cos 0 𝑜 =1 cos 90 𝑜 =0 cos 180 𝑜 =−1
User-item rating matrix Cosine Similarity m1 m2 m3 u1 2 ? 3 u2 5 u3 1 u4 cos 0 𝑜 =1 cos 90 𝑜 =0 cos 𝑜 =−1 Given two item vectors, 𝑎 , 𝑏 ; and you know the definition of vector dot product: 𝑎 . 𝑏 = 𝑎 𝑏 cos 𝜃 , where 𝜃 is the angle between the two vectors. So, cos 𝜃 = 𝑎 . 𝑏 𝑎 𝑏 =𝑠𝑖𝑚( 𝑎 , 𝑏 ) Question: Find cosine similarity between item 𝑚1 and 𝑚2 : 𝑠𝑖𝑚( 𝑚1 , 𝑚2 )= ?

16 Cosine Similarity cos 0 𝑜 =1 cos 90 𝑜 =0 cos 180 𝑜 =−1
User-item rating matrix m1 m2 m3 u1 2 ? 3 u2 5 u3 1 u4 cos 0 𝑜 =1 cos 90 𝑜 =0 cos 𝑜 =−1 Given two item vectors, 𝑎 , 𝑏 ; and you know the definition of vector dot product: 𝑎 . 𝑏 = 𝑎 𝑏 cos 𝜃 , where 𝜃 is the angle between the two vectors. So, cos 𝜃 = 𝑎 . 𝑏 𝑎 𝑏 =𝑠𝑖𝑚( 𝑎 , 𝑏 )=𝑐𝑜𝑠( 𝑎 , 𝑏 ) Question: Find cosine similarity between item 𝑚1 and 𝑚2 : Only consider rating values where both items been rated: 𝑠𝑖𝑚( 𝑚1 , 𝑚2 )= ? 𝑚1 = , and 𝑚2 = Therefore, 𝑐𝑜𝑠( 𝑚1 , 𝑚2 ) = 5∗2+3∗ =0.78

17 Complete the item-to-item similarity matrix
Cos(m1,m1) Cos(m1,m2) Cos(m1,m3) Cos(m2,m1) Cos(m2,m2) Cos(m2,m3) Cos(m3,m1) Cos(m3,m2) Cos(m3,m3) It’s a symmetric matrix. Cos(x,x) = 1

18 Complete the item-to-item similarity matrix
1 0.76 0.78 Cos(m2,m1) 0.86 Cos(m3,m1) Cos(m3,m2) It’s a symmetric matrix. Cos(x,x) = 1

19 Complete the item-to-item similarity matrix
1 0.76 0.78 0.86 It’s a symmetric matrix. Cos(x,x) = 1

20 Complete the item-to-item similarity matrix
1 0.76 0.78 0.86 m1 m2 m3 u1 2 ? 3 u2 5 u3 1 u4 Now, what is the rating user u1 would give to item m2? u1 has already rated items m1 and m3. 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑢1,𝑚2 = 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑢1,𝑚1 ∗𝑠𝑖𝑚 𝑚1,𝑚2 +𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑢1,𝑚3 ∗𝑠𝑖𝑚(𝑚3,𝑚2) 𝑠𝑖𝑚 𝑚1,𝑚2 +𝑠𝑖𝑚(𝑚3,𝑚2) = 2∗0.76+3∗ =2.53

21 Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
Here a matrix V is factorized into two matrices W and H, With the property that all three matrices have only non-negative elements. The non-negativity property of elements makes the resulting matrices easier to inspect. It can be solved by optimizing the following problem, and solve W and H: Once solved, it can also be used as a recommender system. Because V[i,j] = W[i,:]*H[:,j]

22 How to solve NMF? Let’s take a look at the whiteboard.

23 References Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms, by Badrul et al. (WWW,2001) Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization, by Lee and Seung (NIPS 2001) A tutorial filtering-and-matrix-factorization-in-python/

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