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6 Word Memoirs.

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Presentation on theme: "6 Word Memoirs."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Word Memoirs

2 What are they? Your life story, or an important aspect of your life story, in 6 words.

3 Where did they come from?
Founded by storytelling magazine, SMITH Magazine Inspired by a legend that Ernest Hemingway once was challenged to write a short story in 6 words. His story: "For sale: baby shoes. Never worn."

4 Brought it to a boil, often. — Mario Batali

5 “Well, I thought it was funny." — Stephen Colbert.

6 “Secret to life: marry an Italian." — Nora Ephron


8 “Guided by Wanderlust and Love"
–Mrs. Botton


10 Now you try! Let's think of some 6 word memoirs for Disney characters, then start to work on yours.

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