Marketing for USPS Business Concepts Applied to Our Not-For-Profit Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing for USPS Business Concepts Applied to Our Not-For-Profit Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing for USPS Business Concepts Applied to Our Not-For-Profit Organization

2 ObjectivesObjectives Clear up the mystery about Marketing Clear up the mystery about Marketing Differentiate between PR and Marketing Differentiate between PR and Marketing Apply proven business concepts to USPS Apply proven business concepts to USPS Provide a structure for Provide a structure for Brainstorming Brainstorming Planning Planning Executing an effective marketing strategy Executing an effective marketing strategy 2

3 Change Is Necessary The world is changing before our eyes The world is changing before our eyes Boating vs. other recreational activities Boating vs. other recreational activities Traditional outreach vs. social media Traditional outreach vs. social media Education in general is in transition Education in general is in transition Our internal organizational inertia inhibits rapid response and evolution Our internal organizational inertia inhibits rapid response and evolution In past we had separate, uncoordinated marketing groups and committees In past we had separate, uncoordinated marketing groups and committees 3

4 We Confuse Ourselves Do not understand Marketing and PR Do not understand Marketing and PR We create products and services without understanding the customer We create products and services without understanding the customer There is no real strategic plan or associated marketing plan There is no real strategic plan or associated marketing plan Muddy guidance throughout Muddy guidance throughout Marketing vs. PR: Marketing vs. PR: What is the difference? 4

5 A message includes not only what you say, but how you say it and how it appears to others. We MUST understand our audience. Who is this? Why? We Often Send The Wrong Message Traditional USPS Marketing What is the Message? What are we selling? Who is the Customer? Children? Pirates? Where is our primary customer? 5

6 Competition Is Tough This Texas outfit is a for-profit company. They make this same offer in 45 states. You pay $24.50 when you pass the test. We Are Better!! 6

7 We Do Not Have Consensus What do we actually sell? What do we actually sell? How can we use our superior courses to a competitive advantage? How can we use our superior courses to a competitive advantage? Who is our target audience? Who is our target audience? What do our customers really want? What do our customers really want? How do we attract them to us? How do we attract them to us? 7

8 We Need to Kill Our Own Myths 1.Our mission compels people to join 2.If we hand out mission-related materials (e.g. safety), people will: Know who we are & what we do Know who we are & what we do Come to us for education Come to us for education Join a squadron Join a squadron 3.Build it and they will come 8

9 We Need to Kill Our Own Myths 4.We believe our uniforms attract people from the public 5.Pictures of our member demographic are good tools for marketing 6.People like the fact that we have 100 years of existence 7.If they are interested in joining, they will easily find out how to do so 9

10 We Must Understand Our Customers Just because we think they need it does not mean that they want it Just because we think they need it does not mean that they want it Foster an external focus on them, not internally on ourselves Foster an external focus on them, not internally on ourselves Purchase decisions are based upon emotion, wrapped in a rational shell Purchase decisions are based upon emotion, wrapped in a rational shell People want to feel a connection People want to feel a connection Recognize that we are just a commodity and that we have competition Recognize that we are just a commodity and that we have competition 10

11 Public Relations Promotes a USPS-specific image to the general public Promotes a USPS-specific image to the general public Raises awareness and name recognition Raises awareness and name recognition Who we are and what we do Who we are and what we do Mission messages ok, but is not PR unless connection to USPS is clear and obvious Mission messages ok, but is not PR unless connection to USPS is clear and obvious Does not advertise specific products Does not advertise specific products Not directly aimed at customer purchases or new members Not directly aimed at customer purchases or new members 11

12 Public Relations Employs media as primary channels Employs media as primary channels Traditional press releases etc. (passé) Traditional press releases etc. (passé) Freebies, buttons, pins, etc. with OUR logo Freebies, buttons, pins, etc. with OUR logo Social Media (a must!) Social Media (a must!) 12 Go Mobile.

13 MarketingMarketing It is not just advertising or selling It is not just advertising or selling Marketing is a strategic function that helps determine: Marketing is a strategic function that helps determine: Market segments and target audiences Market segments and target audiences What to sell, what features, etc. What to sell, what features, etc. Pricing strategies Pricing strategies How to promote offerings How to promote offerings How to sell How to sell How to deliver How to deliver 13

14 Four Ps or Cs of Marketing 14

15 How Does This Apply To Us? Determine and define our target markets Determine and define our target markets Primary member demographics Primary member demographics Education products market segments Education products market segments Offer them products and services designed for their specific needs (one size does NOT fit all) Offer them products and services designed for their specific needs (one size does NOT fit all) 15

16 How Does This Apply To Us? Determine the right price Determine the right price In collaboration with others In collaboration with others Cost-based or market-based Cost-based or market-based Loss leaders Loss leaders Determine and design promotional strategies, branding, and media Determine and design promotional strategies, branding, and media To create demand To create demand To differentiate our products To differentiate our products To convince customers to buy To convince customers to buy 16

17 How Does This Apply To Us? Promotion is a call to action Promotion is a call to action Promotes education and membership directly to individuals Promotes education and membership directly to individuals Not public service announcements Not public service announcements Not generalized statements about safety Not generalized statements about safety Not education Not education Not materials from other organizations Not materials from other organizations 17

18 Marketing and PR Committees 18

19 Committee Structure 19 Marketing CommitteeHeadquarters MarketingPublic Relations Committee Marketing ChairmanHeadquarters DirectorChairman Assistant Chairman EducationHeadquarters Director MembershipGeneral Members Member Benefits Public Relations Communications Headquarters Marketing 8 At-large Members

20 Committee Responsibilities 20

21 Marketing Committee Goals Coordinated National Marketing Plan Coordinated National Marketing Plan District and Squadron Plans District and Squadron Plans National branding manual National branding manual Social Media implementation & training Social Media implementation & training Customer based Market Research Customer based Market Research How to Sell training How to Sell training 21

22 USPS Marketing Committee Questions? 22

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