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What is a Golden Age? Do you think the United States is in a Golden Age today? Right Now, 2018? Why? Why Not? Directions: In your notebooks, under the.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Golden Age? Do you think the United States is in a Golden Age today? Right Now, 2018? Why? Why Not? Directions: In your notebooks, under the."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Golden Age? Do you think the United States is in a Golden Age today? Right Now, 2018? Why? Why Not? Directions: In your notebooks, under the title above, brainstorm (write down whatever comes to mind) whether or not you think the US is or is not in a golden age. Next label your list with a + or – for each of your pieces of evidence.

2 Is the US in a Golden Age? Now compare your work with a partner
Good (Pro-Golden) Evidence: Bad (not so Golden) Evidence:

3 There are many negative or non-golden aspects to life in the US...
FAKE NEWS! vs. Real News! FAKE NEWS!

4 BUT just because life in the US has its problems does not mean it is not GOLDEN!
Golden does NOT mean PERFECT!

5 Mr. F’s Pro-Golden Evidence:
Cities = Center of Trade & a higher standard of living for the people. Liberty = FREEDOM Port Cities = Long distance trade on the Oceans

6 Strong Military = Peace Through Strength

7 Giant Stadiums = architectural wonders holding 100,000+ people

8 Education = Empowerment

9 Good Economy Sporting Events = Entertainment for the masses

10 ART, MUSIC, & Cultural events = FREE TIME / Leisure Time so you can do FUN stuff! – The pursuit of happiness!

11 FOOD, FOOD & more FOOD !!! Poor? Food stamps and public assistance make sure NO ONE in the US goes hungry (when not abused).

Democracy unleashes potentials in people that are NOT LIKELY to be unleashed any other way! WE ARE FREE! Absolute power corrupts absolutely-if you give total power to government it will abuse it – history is FULL of examples.

13 A Golden Age is A time period (an era) of relative peace, prosperity, and cultural achievements. In other words the United States IS in a GOLDEN AGE right now! But will it stay that way? That is up to YOU! The citizens of our democratic REPUBLIC need to CARE & get involved. (develop the democratic attitude) Pick up your white & black pebbles and vote!

14 Democracy’s Strengths
Citizens have rights that protect them from the abuse of government power or other people. These Civil Rights are guaranteed to us today by the US Constitution. Our civil rights allow us to have lots of individual FREEDOM. FREEDOM means social mobility – birth status does not matter (as much). You can be successful despite being poor – if you MAKE GOOD CHOICES = MERITCOCRACY. Leaders must act in the best interest of the people and act accordingly (or they get voted out of office – peaceful transfer of power)… but sometimes leading and doing what is right will not be popular!

15 Democracy’s Weaknesses
Democracy only works when the people CARE enough to get involved (the Democratic Attitude). Ex: Only about ½ of the people eligible to vote in US actually do! Citizens who CARE must be educated about the issues that face the nation (this takes TIME – or else you fall victim to FAKE NEWS – propaganda and misinformation). FREEDOM = opportunity for great success but freedom also comes with RESPONSIBILITY & an individual’s poor or bad choices may mean FAILURE. MOB RULE: Rule by the emotion of the moment. Mobs have no thought about future consequences (like Riots). Politicians promise to do whatever “the People” want regardless of long term consequences.

16 Key Idea: A democracy has both Strengths and Weaknesses. Recognizing these Strengths and weaknesses will help us to continue to be successful in Modern Times!

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