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THE ROAD TO WAR (handout)

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1 THE ROAD TO WAR (handout)
Lusitania (May 1915) (1) How did American newspapers respond to sinking of Lusitania? (2) What did neutrality mean to President Wilson? Lusitania warning (Cobb Heritage Centre, England; photo by Larry O. Nighswander/NGS) The Lusitania in New York City (Library of Congress) (Brinkley); Lusitania warning; Though New York newspapers carried warnings from the German embassy about the dangers of transatlantic travel, the passengers who boarded the Lusitania on May 1, 1915, probably did not imagine themselves in serious danger from submarine attack. The ship was sunk on May 7. Of the 1,959 passengers and crewmembers, 1,198 died, including 128 Americans. (Cobb Heritage Centre, England; photo by Larry O. Nighswander/NGS); Pageant 13e The Lusitania in New York City (Library of Congress)

2 Nationalism in the Balkans or. “Crisis in the Balkans”
Nationalism in the Balkans or “Crisis in the Balkans” ** And these are developments decades in the making Events in far-off places can impact us!!!! Diverse & not democratic

3 The Ottoman Empire - Europe before 1900
- The “Sick Man of Europe” - Lost a series of wars, throughout 1800’s & early 1900’s - Write: Creates a power vacuum, encouraging nationalities to gain independence

4 Nationalist Movements
Effect of Nationalism – groups of people, “nationalities” desiring “self-determination” or the idea that people who share a national identity should have their own country and government Nationalist Movements , Serbian Revolution , Greek War of Independence 1848, Nationalist revolts in Hungary, Italy, and Germany , Italy becomes unified , Germany becomes unified 1878, Congress of Berlin declares Serbia independent , Macedonian struggles for independence 1908, Bulgaria becomes independent 1912, Albania becomes independent

5 - The “Sick Man of Europe” - Balance of Power - Crisis in the Balkans
Situation in Europe, 1900

6 Europe, 1815 ** Notice the Germanic States!!
** Notice Italy is not Unified

7 German Unification, under “Prussia” – The “German Reich”
Otto Von Bismarck, German Chancellor Fights Wars / “Iron and Blood” … 1864: Danish-Prussian War 1866: Austro-Prussian War – creates “North German Confederation 1871: Franco-Prussian War – gains Bavaria, Baden, & Wurttemburg By 1900 would come to economically and culturally dominate Europe …

8 Europe, 1871

9 German Unification, under “Prussia” – The “German Reich”
Write: Germany unifies, and France and Russia become uncomfortable about the changing “Balance of Power,” so they form an alliance (1894).

10 - The “Sick Man of Europe” - Balance of Power - Crisis in the Balkans
Situation in Europe, 1900

11 - The “Sick Man of Europe” - Balance of Power - Crisis in the Balkans
Situation in Europe, 1900

12 Ottoman Empire - Europe before 1900

13 Nationalities in Austro- Hungarian Empire
* What’s happening in Austria-Hungary?

14 Nationalities of the Dual Monarchy, 1910
** Population Austria Hungary - Germans (***) 9,950,000 2,037,000 - Czechs 6,436, - Poles 4,968, - Romanians (***) ,000 2,949,000 - Ruthenians 3,519, ,000 - Serbs & Croats ,000 2,939,000 - Italians (***) , - Slovenes 1,253, - Slovaks ,968,000 - Magyars (***) ,945,000

15 The Balkans Present-day Slavic people are classified Into West Slavic
(chiefly Poles, Czechs and Slovaks), East Slavic (chiefly Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians), and And South Slavic (chiefly Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Montenegrins, and Slovenes).

16 Nationalities in Austro- Hungarian Empire
* What’s happening in Austria-Hungary? - Write: It is an ethnically diverse empire, in which many “nationalities” have difficult lives.

17 - 1908 – Annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Situation in Europe, 1900 – Annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina

18 The “Great War” video ** In notes, respond to prompts … 3:48 – 7:08
(1) Problems w/ Austria … (2) Triple Alliance … (3) Triple Entente … 3:48 – 7:08

19 Alliances Triple Entente – Great Britain, France, and Russia
Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

20 - Balkan Wars, 1912-13 - “Balkan League” – Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, & Serbia vs. Ottoman Empire
Europe, 1912 ** Write: - The Ottoman Empire loses land in the Balkan Peninsula And - Serbia becomes stronger and advocates Slavic nationalism; becoming a state-sponsor or terrorism.

21 The Situation in Russia
Write: - Pre-1914, 80% of Russian population is peasantry or “muzhiki”; and there is a lot of internal tension in Russia. And: - Politically, Russia needed to protect the Black Sea.

22 Competition in the Balkans Peninsula for “Influence”

23 Generalizations, Pre-1914 Dying Ottoman-Turk Empire …
Austria & Russia wanting more influence in the Balkans … Nationalism motivating smaller ethnic groups within the Balkans …

24 The Immediate Event that Led to War …
* Could this have been prevented? Gavrilo Princip June 28, 1914 – assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

25 The July Crisis Write: July 6 – Germany gives “blank check” to Austria- Hungary Write: July 23 – A.H. “Ultimatum” to Serbia Write: July 24 – Russia says to Serbia to “not accept terms” & mobilizes army Write: July 28 – Austria-Hungary does not accept Serbia’s response & declares war

26 Austria-Hungary Ultimatum
** What was Austria-Hungary thinking? ** July 23, 1914 Austria-Hungary Ultimatum (1) Suppress all publications which "incite hatred and contempt of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy” and eliminate from school textbooks and public documents all "propaganda against Austria-Hungary." (2) Bring to trial all accessories to the Archduke's assassination and allow "Austro-Hungarian delegates" (law enforcement officers) to take part in the investigations. (3) Cease the "traffic in arms and explosives across the frontier.”

27 Declarations of War

28 War Begins – The Schlieffen Plan
Two Parts: [1] Quick defeat of France, & then [2] Cooperate with Austria-Hungary against Russia

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