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Class PPT Activity Wrap-Up

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1 Class PPT Activity Wrap-Up
3.5.18 KUDos: Know: Civil Rights Understand: SS8H11 Evaluate the role of Georgia in the modern civil rights movement. a. Explain Georgia’s response to Brown v. Board of Education including the 1956 flag and the Sibley Commission. b. Describe the role of individuals (Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Lewis), groups (SNCC and SCLC) and events (Albany Movement and March on Washington) in the Civil Rights Movement. c. Explain the resistance to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, emphasizing the role of Lester Maddox. Do: Class PPT Activity Wrap-Up

2 Sibley Commission: In response to the Georgia General Assembly shutting down schools that integrated…Sibley Commission born Group of the General Assembly focused on schools Go out and poll the citizens of GA on what they wanted to happen with schools 1960-let the counties decide if they wanted to integrate schools or not without interference from the state. 1961 Hartsfield had Atlanta integrate it’s school system 1st in Georgia

3 Lester Maddox (1913-2003): Georgia’s last segregationist Governor
Defiant and outspoken against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Opened the Pickrick cafeteria Forced African Americans to leave his café with “drumsticks” axe handles Closed the Pickrick instead of integrating it Appointed more African Americans to government positions than all other governors combined (controversial) Refused to fly flags at half staff for MLK’s death Tried to stay in politics, but lost Never apologized for his stance on Segregation

4 Let’s Review: Plessy v Ferguson
What was the decision in the Brown v Board of Education case? What court case did Brown v BOE overrule? What does “Integration” mean? At what event was John Lewis beaten by Alabama police after he marched over the Pettus Bridge? “Separate but Equal” is unconstitutional desegregate all public schools. Plessy v Ferguson Bring together groups that were kept separate. Bloody Sunday

5 Let’s Review: SCLC Desegregating the buses
What organization did MLK create in response to Rosa Parks being arrested? What did the SCLC focus their protests on? What does the SCLC stand for? Where did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 make discrimination illegal? SCLC Desegregating the buses Southern Christian Leadership Conference Employment/workplace

6 Let’s Review: Non-violent SNCC
What is one word to describe Martin Luther King’s approach to activism? Which organization focused was mostly made up of youth? What does SNCC stand for? What is the main difference between the SCLC and SNCC? Non-violent SNCC Student nonviolent coordinating committee SNCC used more confrontational/violent methods

7 Let’s Review: Non-supportive
How did Georgia feel about the Civil Rights Act of 1964? What is one way Georgia protested the Civil Rights Act in 1965? Describe how Lester Maddox felt about Segregation. Non-supportive Changed the state flag to include Confederate battle flag He was outspoken and defiant against integration. Pro-segregation

8 Let’s Review: Segregation in all public places John Lewis
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 get rid of? Who became a Representative in the House of Representatives for Georgia for 8 terms? How did John Lewis die? Segregation in all public places John Lewis HE DIDN’T—He’s STILL ALIVE TODAY!

9 Let’s Review: SNCC The bus facilities in Albany, GA
Who organized the Albany Movement? The Albany Movement focused on what system? What did Maddox do that was considered the opposite of what he stood for. SNCC The bus facilities in Albany, GA Appointed more African Americans to government jobs that all former Governors combined.

10 We will test on ZipGrade sheets.
Tomorrow: Have your study guide COMPLETE and ready to turn in BEFORE you enter the room. We will test on ZipGrade sheets.

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