The immune System.

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Presentation on theme: "The immune System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The immune System

2 The Immune System protects the body by destroying pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and other germs. What is the function?

3 Main organs of the immune system and their functions
Thymus- an organ in the neck that produces T cells. Bone Marrow- semi-solid tissue in spongy bone where new blood cells are produced Lymph Nodes- nodules that filter lymph and assist the immune system in building an immune response Spleen-an organ where old red blood cells are recycled and where white blood cells and platelets are stored. It also helps fight certain bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis. Skin- acts as a first line of defense. It is a physical barrier. Also, skin contains elements which help fight infections. Mucus is another first line of defense, trapping bacteria, viruses, and dust. Main organs of the immune system and their functions

4 Macrophage- a large white blood cell that has the ability to locate and “eat” pathogens.
T Cell- produced in the thymus, T Cells hunt down an destroy cells that are infected with germs or that have become cancerous. B Cell-produced in bone marrow, B cells are responsible for producing antibodies. Antibodies are blood proteins that fight specific antigens. Immune System Cells

5 Negative Affects of the immune System
Asthma- spasms in the bronchi, causing difficulty breathing. Lupus-a disease or condition marked by inflammation of the skin. The antibodies cannot tell the difference between invaders and normal cells. Thus, antibodies start attacking healthy tissue. Cancer-a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells. AIDS-a disease in which there is a severe loss of cellular immunity, lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy. Negative Affects of the immune System

6 How the Immune System works with other systems
Circulatory System-transportation needs. Lymphatic- producing lymphocytes Integumentary- skin is the first line of defense How the Immune System works with other systems

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