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Labour Market Indicators Library NetWork KILM-STAT EASMAT- EMAC-EMAO-ETM Costa Rica.

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Presentation on theme: "Labour Market Indicators Library NetWork KILM-STAT EASMAT- EMAC-EMAO-ETM Costa Rica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labour Market Indicators Library NetWork KILM-STAT EASMAT- EMAC-EMAO-ETM Costa Rica

2 A contribution to strengthening ILOs knowledge of employment outcomes of different policies. Policy support for ILO constituents (Government, Employers and Workers organisations); Our constituents are better equipped to formulate and monitor employment related policies. Labour Market Indicators Library NetWork

3 In countries with poor labour market information system Problems with indicators are related to : Timeliness –Lag between collection of information and their release in national and international repositories. Relevance –Lack of information and indicators to monitor employment and labour markets trends. Accuracy –Information available may not be adequate to build indicators (data and meta information). Comparability –Comparability accross countries/regions is limited because of the lack of uniformised definitions.

4 Increase the availability and timeliness of LMI Strengthening coordination between ILO field offices and Headquarters in the field of LMI. Enhancing flow of available information between ILO field offices and Headquarters and its utilization. Increasing access to current indicators and methodological information: -from national sources by Headquarters; -from international sources by ILO field offices.

5 LMIL Network Pilot Phase Labour Force Participation Rate Indicator LMIL availability (1980-2000)

6 LMIL Network Pilot Phase Unemployment Indicator LMIL availability (1980-2000)

7 LMIL Pilot phase has meant for the ILO field office Improved attention to the issue of labour market information; Improved communication between ILO field offices and HQ; Easy access to statistical references; Easy access to available indicators; Improvement of quality and quantity of available data; Reduced burden through coordination and standardisation; Improved database systems at the ILO field office level.

8 The LMIL Network Pilot phase: Testing the feasibility of the system. Partners : –Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM) and the Bureau of Statistics (STAT). –EMAO (Abidjan), EMAC (Yaounde), ETM Costa Rica (San Jose), EASMAT (Bangkok). Support from the PARIS21 Trust Fund in 5 regions.

9 Strategy To consolidate a knowledge-based network by providing appropriate products and technical expertise, while at the same time increasing the availability and timeliness of labour market indicators. The LMIL Network is to assist ILO field offices in strengthening national and regional capacities to access, analyse and disseminate LMI with a view to assessing employment trends. An Internet-based database system has been developed to support the LMIL Network.

10 Project Components 1.Defining a set of regional indicators to be assembled and disseminated; 2.Organising 3-day training workshops; 3.Developing information dissemination tools; 4.Developing an Internet-based information system to support the LMIL Network; 5.Creating and updating the LMIL Database.

11 1. Defining a set of regional indicators to be assembled and disseminated Under the responsibility of the ILO field office with the assistance of the HQ; Might be based on existing ILO reports and LMI assessments; Is to be related to the PRSP indicators as much as possible.

12 2. Organising 3-day training workshops Under the responsibility of the ILO field office with the assistance of the Turin Training Centre and Headquarters. Standard training package is being developed and are to be adapted to the region labour market situation; 15 nationals (policy makers and/or technical staff); The training might be linked to ongoing and upcoming activities.

13 3. Developing information dissemination tools Under the responsibility of the ILO field office with the assistance of the HQ; One module of the training package focus on developing information dissemination tools; The workshop will give an opportunity to discuss this project component among participants. Dissemination tools to be developed at regional/national level and designed according to local needs.

14 4. Internet-based information system to support the LMIL Network Core framework of indicators; Local consultants will focus on identifying sources of information and will input the LMIL dataset; Indicators and methodological information from 1980 to present.

15 KILMSTAT SAMAT Labour Market Indicators Library Database LMIL Labour market indicators + Methodological information The LMIL is the product of the combined knowledge and resources of the participants. International repositories National information through questionnaires National repositories or through direct contact

16 LMIL Labour market indicators + Methodological information STAT ILO field office When using, or publishing LMI, each participant can draw from the same source. Dissemination of Labour Market Information

17 Methodological Information Required for the LMIL indicators Methodological Information Required for the LMIL indicators Type of Source Scope of Coverage Scope of Coverage Classification Systems Reference Period Age Groups Sex Notes Bibliographic References Modalities and limitations are strictly defined for each indicator.

18 Enhanced communication Vehicule for communication on LMIL Network Discusssion on indicators and methodological issues Announcement on system upgrade

19 Obstacles Encountered Internet connections and speed of download. Delays in incorporating new indicators and region oriented indicators as well as urban/rural breakdown. User-friendly interface and documentation to the system. Difficulty to assemble the all required meta data. Resources to gather data from national level in many countries.

20 Ongoing work Widening the geographical coverage by expanding the LMIL Network to additional regions. Refining and widening the scope of indicators. Developing region-oriented indicators. Refining methodological guidelines and conducting trainings. Reshaping the LMIL software and make it more user- friendly Reinforcing the network of LMIL focal points. Support to technical assistance activities.

21 Labour Market Indicators Library NetWork KILM-STAT EASMAT- EMAC-EMAO-ETM Costa Rica

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