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Literature: Wednesday, February 13, 2019

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1 Literature: Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Handouts: * “Analyzing Poetry, Part 2” (Language Devices) Homework: * Read AR book minutes daily & record progress * Remember your Poetry Project due dates: Planning Sheet, due this Friday, Feb Poetry Project, poem & illustration, due Feb. 22 Assignments Due: * None

2 Today’s Goal: Learn to analyze poems by identifying their language devices.
Outcomes: Name five types of language devices used in poetry. Define these terms: Similes, metaphors, personification, imagery, hyperbole. Identify the use of similes, metaphors, personification, imagery, hyperbole in designated poems from your poetry booklet.

3 Starter #1: Earlier this week we examined the sound devices frequently used in poetry. Today we will start looking for language devices, words that create images in our mind. Can you name any literary devices used in poetry that create images in our mind? Figurative Language (comparisons), such as . . . Similes Metaphors Personification Imagery (appeals to our five senses) Hyperbole (exaggerated images) Let’s see if we can define those terms. Please turn to your new set of Cornell Notes, Poetry, Part 2, Language Devices.

4 Cornell Notes : Poetry, Part 2, Language Devices
1. How do poets strategically use language in poetry? Define the following terms: 1) Figurative Language 2) Simile 3) Metaphor 4) Personification 5) Imagery 6) Hyperbole 1. They use words that appeal to our five senses to create sharp, vivid pictures in our mind. 1) Words that make comparisons between seemingly unlike things. 2) A comparison of two unlike things, using the words like or as 3) Comparison of two unlike things that does NOT use like or as 4) A literary device that describes a non-human as if it were a person 5) Using words to create a mental image that appeals to the five senses. 6) A figure of speech that uses exaggeration to emphasize a point

5 Starter #1: Please turn to today’s handout titled, “Analyzing Poetry, Part 2.” Let’s see how many of those literary sound devices we can identify in our poetry booklets

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