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Greenburgh-North Castle School District: Good Evening and Welcome

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Presentation on theme: "Greenburgh-North Castle School District: Good Evening and Welcome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenburgh-North Castle School District: Good Evening and Welcome
Kenneth B. Clark Academy: Open House 6:00pm-6:30pm 6:30pm-8:00pm Therapeutic Support Program Social/Emotional and Academic Focus Equitable Opportunities and Progressive Mindset Post-High-School Experiences and Targets Career Development and Occupational Studies Transitional Focus, Internships, and Planning Advanced/Regents/ and Local Diploma Tracks and Expectations

2 School Culture and Expectations
Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice: Seeks to repair the harm that has been done by acknowledging the impact on the victim, community, and/or offender, accepting responsibility for the wrongdoing, being accountable, and repairing the harm that was caused. Academic Rigor and Individualizing Instruction PBIS: Positive Behavioral Intervention Systems/Supports Professional Learning Communities, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, and Clinical Wrap-Around Services

3 Consistent Approaches and Recognition
Honor Society Students of the Week Gotcha “Doing-Good” Program In-Class PBIS Systems Under the Wing/Check and Connect

4 Enrichment and Experiences
Student Learning Activity (SLA) College Visits

5 School Pride and Building Beautification

6 Key Words and Language Growth Mindset: Anything is Possible
Quotes by Hemingway: “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are stronger in the broken places.” Making Good Choices for Yourself and Each Other Student-Centered Instruction and Collaboration Active Supervision, Safety, and Pro-Active Learning Change is a Process and Without Struggle There is No Progress (Fullan and Douglas) Mindfulness and DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) Hope, Pride, Self-Care, Trust, Today

7 Social Awareness: Local and Global
4th Quarter Begins, April 2nd Prom June 7th Graduation, Friday June 22nd, 11:00am Student Leadership and Opportunities Video: Transitional Opportunities: Mr. Mike Voron Questions/Discussion & Movement to Classrooms

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