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V. Responsibilities of Department Head Review & Approval of Projects

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1 V. Responsibilities of Department Head Review & Approval of Projects
EFF Factor Training Program V. Responsibilities of Department Head Review & Approval of Projects (for Dept. Head & Admin)

2 Department Head – Ravi Gupta is required to approve the Budgets for projects created
Click on department Done...!!

3 Click on the Project to be reviewed.
Click on Pending Approval to see all the projects created by Department Admin where the approval of Department Head is pending . Click on the Project to be reviewed. Click Here Here the Department Head will first confirm that budgeted bill value is acceptable by looking at the agreed price & review the summary Like: Click Here 1. Budgeted Days 2. Budgeted Costing & Billing of the Projects (This Information is available only to Department Head) 3. Start & End Date of the project He can delete or edit any assignment or any task or any other data by using appropriate buttons/options Click on Toggle all tasks to review the details of the Project Task-wise.

4 Now after reviewing all the details of the project, the Department Head can Approve the Project by clicking on Approve Button. NOTE1: Department Head can Modify the Budget by clicking on +Option-Edit before the Approval NOTE2: After Approval the project will disappear from the List and the words Approved will Appear against the status of the Project. NOTE3: Department Head may also approve projects without budget if he so wishes or add a budget on his own. Done...!!

5 Click on Department Gives option to select the department from the dropdown list (For Ex. RG) For selected Department following options are available Open Projects Timelines Graph Pending Approval (Already discussed) Estimates Archived Analytics

6 Now click on Open projects
Here, Department Head will get to see list of all open projects along with following information Unique Project ID Last Login for the Project by any employee Actual Project completion % Financials Like: CURRENT COST VARAINCE Budgeted cost – Actual cost (+ve saving) PREDICTED COST VARIANCE Cost of Predicted delay (-ve) or Saving (+ve) CURRENT BILL VARAINCE Budgeted Bill value – Bill(able) value (+ve saving) Department Head can view the project Details by clicking on the project name. This information is useful for monitoring every aspect of the projects at macro level as well as micro level. PREDICTED BILL VARIANCE Bill(able) value of predicted delay (-ve) or saving (+ve)

7 Click on Timelines Here Department Head gets the list of all projects which are To commence within next 7 Days To be completed within next 14days And also the projects which have missed deadlines Along with the Unique Project ID Expected Date of completion And progress of the project. This information is useful for: Meeting the deadlines. Assigning/Reassigning man power Modifying the deadlines in the light of available man power, customer’s expectations and other constraints 1 1 NOTE: It is recommended to edit the end date of project which have missed deadline wherever practical.

8 Click on Graph Here Department Head gets to see the following information for his department in a graphical format. Project i.e. Project cost Billing Margin (Bill value – Project cost) This is useful in tracking the departments value addition (gross contribution/margin) on ongoing basis.

9 Estimates Here Department Head gets the list of all estimates created with cost and billable value details.

10 This information is useful for selection of appropriate estimate for any new project

11 3. Percentage of completion
Click on Archived Here Department Head gets the list of all completed projects with the following information: 1.Project Name 2.Project ID 3. Percentage of completion 4. Status (i.e. Completed or cancelled) Financials Like: CURRENT COST VARAINCE Budgeted cost – Actual cost (+ve saving) PREDICTED COST VARIANCE Cost of Predicted delay (-ve) or Saving (+ve) CURRENT BILL VARAINCE Budgeted Bill value – Bill(able) value (+ve saving) PREDICTED BILL VARIANCE Bill(able) value of predicted delay (-ve) or saving (+ve)

12 Project Analysis and Monitoring at Micro level
Click on Option Clicking on Options will give you a dropdown list of options Click on Edit this Project Edit this project-Allows editing all fields created initially except job name. Click Here

13 Delete this Project-Allows total removal of the project from database.
Click on Delete this Project Delete this Project-Allows total removal of the project from database. NOTE: Deletion of project will lead to permanent deletion of the logs recorded in the project. Click Here

14 Click on Marked as completed
Mark as completed-Department Head or Department Admin can click on Confirm completion to close the project. NOTE: After this, project will disappear from open projects and appear in archived projects. These projects cannot be reopened. No logs can be entered in these projects. NOTE: It is advisable to record the bill no. date and the value(in the summary field by using edit option first) in respect of this project for further meaningful analysis. Click Here

15 Click on Add a new task to this project
Add a new task to this project- Allows creation of new task with instructions. Click Here

16 Clicking on Reports will give you a dropdown list of reports
Click on Reports Clicking on Reports will give you a dropdown list of reports Click on View all assignments for this project Shows all employees assignments, logged days and percentage Click Here

17 Click on View all logs for this project
-Shows all employees’s all logs for the project Click Here

18 Click on Breakdown Chart
-Shows graphical representation of employee wise task and task wise employee logged time. Click Here

19 -Allows to take a printout of the project.
Click on Print Project -Allows to take a printout of the project. Click Here

20 Best Practice

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