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Warm Up #1 #2 The system below has a solution of (2,1). Find the values of a and b. At Randys bike shop, they only work on bicycles and tricycles. When.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up #1 #2 The system below has a solution of (2,1). Find the values of a and b. At Randys bike shop, they only work on bicycles and tricycles. When."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up #1 #2 The system below has a solution of (2,1). Find the values of a and b. At Randys bike shop, they only work on bicycles and tricycles. When Randy disassembled all the bikes and trikes he ended up with 34 seats and 89 wheels. How many tricycles does he have in his shop?

2 Warm Up #1 The system below has a solution of (2,1). Find the values of a and b.

3 Warm Up #2 At Randys bike shop, they only work on bicycles and tricycles. When Randy disassembled all the bikes and trikes he ended up with 34 seats and 89 wheels. How many tricycles does he have in his shop? Define variables : Write two equations E1 E2

4 Word Problems

5 Homework With a tailwind, a helicopter flies 270 miles in 1.5 hours. When the helicopter flies back against the same wind, the trip takes 3 hours. What is the helicopters speed in still air? What is the speed of the wind? With the wind Against the wind w = speed of wind (mph) h = speed of the helicopter (mph) #1

6 Homework #1 With a tailwind, a helicopter flies 270 miles in 1.5 hours. When the helicopter flies back against the same wind, the trip takes 3 hours. What is the helicopters speed in still air? What is the speed of the wind? w = speed of wind (mph) h = speed of the helicopter (mph) Wind = 45 mph

7 Homework #2 A barge on the Sacramento river travels 24 miles upstream in 3 hours. The return trip take the barge only two hours. Find the speed of the barge in still water. With the current Against the current b = speed of barge (mph) c = speed of the current (mph)

8 Homework barge = 10 mph current = 2 mph #2 A barge on the Sacramento river travels 24 miles upstream in 3 hours. The return trip take the barge only two hours. Find the speed of the barge in still water. b = speed of barge (mph) c = speed of the current (mph)

9 Homework Bubba has a collection of 95 coins, consisting of only nickels, dimes and quarters. If the number of quarters and dimes combined is 60, and the total value of all his coins is $12.70, how many dimes does he have? d d = number of dimes q = number of quarters Define variables : Write two equations E1 E2 Number of nickels = 35 Value of nickels = $1.75 Value of dimes and quarters = $10.95 #3

10 Homework #4 The length of a rectangle is three more than its width. If the perimeter is 66 meters, find the area of the rectangle. L L = length W = width Define variables : Write two equations E1 E2 Area?


12 Weekly Workout In a math contest, each team is asked 50 questions. The teams earn 15 points for every correct answer and lose 8 points for every incorrect answer. Team A won the contest and scored 566 points. Team B finished second and missed 4 more questions than team A. How many questions did team B get correct? #1 c c = correct answers w = wrong answers Define variables: Write two equations E1 E2

13 Weekly Workout #2 Ally has $30 more than Carl. If they each had $7 less, the sum of their money would be equal to what Ally has now. How much money does Carl have? a a = Allys money c = Carls money Define variables: Write two equations E1 E2

14 Weekly Workout #3 If 1 is subtracted from the numerator of a fraction, the resulting fraction is 1/3. If 2 is subtracted from the denominator, the resulting fraction is 1/2. Find the original fraction. n n = Numerator d = Denominator Define variables: Write two equations E1 E2

15 Weekly Workout #3 If 1 is subtracted from the numerator of a fraction, the resulting fraction is 1/3. If 2 is subtracted from the denominator, the resulting fraction is 1/2. Find the original fraction. n n = Numerator d = Denominator Define variables: Write two equations E1 E2

16 Weekly Workout #4 A jar containing only nickels and quarters totals $5.60. There are half as many quarters as there are nickels. How many nickels are in the jar? n n = number of nickels q = number of quarters Define variables: Write two equations E1 E2

17 Weekly Workout #5 A chemist makes 10 liters of a 30% acid solution by mixing a 20% acid solution with a 50% acid solution. Find exactly how many liters of the 20% solution that he used. a a = amount of 20% acid solution b b = amount of 50% acid solution 0.30(10) = 3 Amount of Solution acid a b 10 0.20a0.50b 3 + = 20% solution 50% solution 30% solution

18 Weekly Workout #5 A chemist makes 10 liters of a 30% acid solution by mixing a 20% acid solution with a 50% acid solution. Find exactly how many liters of the 20% solution that he used. a a = amount of 20% acid solution b b = amount of 50% acid solution

19 Weekly Workout #6 The length of a rectangle A is 3 less than twice its width and it has a perimeter of 54 meters. Rectangle B has dimensions that are exactly twice that of rectangle A. Find the area of rectangle B. L L = Length (A) W = Width (A) Define variables : A Write two equations E1 E2 B Find the area of rectangle B

20 Weekly Workout

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