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Presentation on theme: "MAKING MISSION POSSIBLE"— Presentation transcript:

This is only a small part of the story, but if you like what we do and want to find out more about how we can help you invest in leadership and discipleship for mission, please speak to me after the service, or visit our website. CPAS is a charity, dependent upon the gifts of churches and individuals. If you’d like to pray for us, we have a quarterly Prayer Diary and daily prayer points on twitter. We also have regular online and print updates about the various aspects of our work, as well as posters and other resources for use in churches. Again, please speak to me after the service or contact us on the above details if you’d like to know more. We’d love you to be inspired by and involved in our vision for seeing men, women and children in the UK and Ireland come to know the transforming love of Jesus.

2 CPAS has been helping churches reach out with the message of the gospel since 1836.
Our mission is to enable churches in the UK and Republic of Ireland to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus. We are an Anglican evangelical mission agency, and we’re here to help any church which shares our vision for seeing God’s kingdom grow here in the UK ( / Ireland).

3 Bob Jackson, director of St John’s Nottingham centre for church growth, said: ‘It is widely agreed that leadership is the single most important key to the growth of the Church’. As a mission agency, the relationship between leadership, discipleship and mission is what drives us, and we long to see local churches equipped and enabled to grow in faith and numbers. We seek to meet this goal through a range of resources, courses and events which help make disciples and develop leaders, promoting healthy, growing churches where the gospel is shared and men, women and young people come to know Jesus Christ.

4 A key area of our ministry is developing leaders in churches.
Our Arrow Leadership Programme helps influential full-time leaders become more effective in their ministry and mission. Our popular Growing Leaders and Mentoring Matters courses are used by churches across the UK to equip leaders and leaders-to-be across all areas of church life and beyond. We help future leaders explore their vocation through You and Ministry weekends and lifecall young vocations days. And contribute to diocesan training programmes for clergy on the frontline of ministry.

5 patronage CPAS is also the sole or joint patron for over 500 Anglican churches, from groups of small parishes in rural areas to churches like All Saints, Peckham, with its ground-breaking urban outreach, and Holy Trinity Brompton, home of the Alpha course. As well as overseeing the appointment process for these churches, we also offer support to any evangelical clergy who are seeking a move, as part of our commitment to seeing leaders with a heart for the gospel appointed in parishes across the nation.

6 Working alongside local Christian communities sits at the heart of CPAS' vision to enable churches to help every person in the UK and Republic of Ireland hear and discover the good news of Jesus. CPAS training centres are resourcing local churches for clergy and lay leaders to be equipped for mission in a sustained and fruitful way. There are three training centres so far with potential for more.

7 Around 3,000 Christian leaders in the UK and Ireland and beyond receive Lead On every month, our free monthly leadership with articles, viewpoints, quotes and resource recommendations. Paul Berry, a team vicar in Edgware in North London said: ‘Lead On is like water to a thirsty soul. Thank you so much to all who contribute to this excellent resource for church leaders’.

8 We created this resource to help churches thrive and grow in periods of vacancy, as research shows that two-thirds of churches currently experience decline during the time between vicars. Growing Through a Vacancy provides 15 practical steps to help churches thrive and grow in the time between vicars.

9 DiscipleKit, launched by CPAS, is to energise that vital discipleship journey by gathering together resources which are inspiring, empowering, interesting and accessible. It is for busy church and group leaders, of adults, youth and children. It is for anyone who wants to find out more about discipleship.

10 Through this website you can connect with carefully selected mentors, read their profiles, and approach those you think might be suitable for you. Focused around development, mentoring provides space for reflection, growth, learning, support, encouragement, perspective and accountability.

11 We developed this resource to help clergy lead PCCs effectively so that churches are better able to fulfil the mission of God in their communities. The resource helps PCCs tackle common dysfunctions, clarify their purpose and find new ways to turn vision into action in their context. There is specific material for clergy as well as sessions and resources for the PCC as a whole.

12 This is only a small part of the story, but if you like what we do and want to find out more about how we can help you invest in leadership and discipleship for mission, please speak to me after the service, or visit our website. CPAS is a charity, dependent upon the gifts of churches and individuals. If you’d like to pray for us, we have a quarterly Prayer Diary and daily prayer points on twitter. We also have regular online and print updates about the various aspects of our work, as well as posters and other resources for use in churches. Again, please speak to me after the service or contact us on the above details if you’d like to know more. We’d love you to be inspired by and involved in our vision for seeing men, women and children in the UK and Ireland come to know the transforming love of Jesus.


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