The Church’s Salvation & Mission

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Presentation on theme: "The Church’s Salvation & Mission"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Church’s Salvation & Mission
Section 3: The Church’s Salvation & Mission

2 Section 3, Part 2 The Church & The World
Draw a third possible diagram to explain the relationship between the Church and the world

3 Introduction Apostolic Tradition & changing conditions
Reading modern Signs of the Times Interacting with the changing world The primary focus of the Church’s mission & purpose Evangelization—proclamation in word & deed Modern life, particular culture, & changing resources 3 Articles (A. 36) -- Engaging the World (A. 37) -- Engaging Modern Culture (A. 38) -- The Church & Evangelization

4 Article 36: Engaging the World
God’s Revelation Single Deposit: Sacred Tradition & Sacred Scripture Handed on by Apostolic Tradition through Apostolic Succession Gaudium et Spes #4 “…responsibility read signs & interpret in light of Gospel…” Signs of the times—defn. & exs. Not enough to merely proclaim the Gospel message Content, Method, & Circumstances Aren’t we changing the Gospel? Sts. Jospeh & Peter—patrons of the Church As well as personal saints

5 You Tube Videos: Engaging the World
Pope Francis: The Church the Modern World Needs

6 Homework Read AA. 37-38 in the eBook for discussion Monday
Section 3, Part 2 review questions 1-2 Looking Ahead: Section 3, Part 2 review questions 1-6 due Tuesday Section 3, Part 2 quiz Tuesday (AA )

7 Article 37: Engaging Modern Culture
p. 138—Gaudium et Spes #58 (The Church and the World) Utilize culture & transform culture Often swimming against the current—living fish Culture of Life vs. Culture of Death—JPII Human life is sacred from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death The Church & Politics Despite separation of Church & State Church has a right & responsibility to evangelize the arena Central issues today?

8 You Tube Videos: Engaging Modern Culture
Bishop Dowd of Montreal: Theology & Culture

9 Article 38: The Church & Evangelization
Evangelization & fulfilling the missionary mandate of the Church Actions & words Redemptoris Missio—JPII’s 1990 encyclical Not known, know & living, known & forgotten so not living (new or re-evangelization ) Examples Old Testament Covenants Jesus & Apostles 2008 USCCB Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship All people & all issues but esp. dignity of the human person & sacredness of life in the political arena Laity (extraordinary in ordinary setting) Youth to world of youth—JPII 1989 WYD Married Others

10 Article 38: The Church & Evangelization cont.
Examples cont. Religious Franciscan, Dominican, Jesuit missions Mother Theresa & the Missionaries of Charity Clerics Bishops—primary responsibility—universal & local Priests & Deacons—specific local community but also local diocese—preaching & Sacraments Elements Respectful boldness, technology, personal holiness, openness to all by all Living it Recommit to holiness, respect others, and (re-)commit to evangelization Inculturation Defn., two way street, challenge, examples (African, Native, Prayer & Saints)

11 You Tube Videos: The Church & Evangelization
Scott Hahn: The New Evangelization

12 Homework Section 3, Part 2 review questions 3-6
Section 3, Part 2 review questions 1-6 due tomorrow Study for the Section 3, Part 2 quiz tomorrow AA

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