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Texting & Talking while driving survey results are as follows:

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2 Texting & Talking while driving survey results are as follows:
46% said they talk on their phones while driving, at least a few times a week: 73% hold the phone to their ear 27% use a hands-free device. 91% of survey respondents said there should be restrictions on talking on phones while driving: 60% said any use of cell phones while driving should be banned 40% said talking on hand-held phones should be prohibited 97% said texting should be prohibited: 6% admitted to texting while driving. 97% said restrictions should be placed on new and novice drivers (Graduated Licensing Program) 82% said new and novice drivers should be prohibited from any use of cell phones, including texting 16% said they should be restricted from texting or using hand-held phones, but allowed to use a hands-free device. 94% said governments should be educating and warning drivers about the dangers of texting and talking on cell phones while driving, regardless of whether or not they impose restrictions.


4 Driving and Dialing: What the studies have found
The New England Journal of Medicine published a report in 1997 by Dr. Don Redelmeier of the University of Toronto. The study found that talking on a cellphone while driving quadrupled a person's risk of an accident. Redelmeier recently repeated his call to ban cellphone use by drivers, saying he actually underestimated the risks four years ago. The Canadian Medical Association joined Redelmeier in calling for a ban. An editorial in the association's magazine CMAJ, argued that drivers "who fail to exercise good judgment must be regulated to do so." Question: Do you find these studies surprising? If so, why?

5 As of Jan. 1/10, the use of hand-held cell phones, electronic devices and text messaging while operating a motor vehicle will be prohibited.  The new law will only allow the use of hands-free or one-touch devices.

6 Driving and talking on cell phone unsafe: study Sun. Jun Scientists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore looked at the brain patterns of people trying to do two things at once. They found that when the brain processes visual signals, there's less activity in the audio signal area of the brain -- and vice versa. "You need to put down the phone and focus because your brain really can't do everything at once," says Johns Hopkins professor Steven Yantis. "You really are limited.“ Marchand says such a law is "potentially unenforceable." Instead, he says drivers should be educated about the risks of talking on cell phones while driving. His advice is to pull over and answer the phone if you really need to. Better yet -- ignore any calls you get while driving. Victoria police Chief Jamie Graham has been calling for a cellphone ban for drivers since early this year, after seeing the compelling statistics as chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police's traffic safety committee Activity: With a partner, create a list of some arguments for & against the law criminalizing using cell phones while driving. Be ready to share your arguments with the class.


8 Summary of Data Regarding Cell Phone Use While Driving
A comprehensive 100-page study out of Harvard (July 2000) comparing the risks and benefits of cell phone use while driving included the following risk tables:

9 Instructions: Check out the following videos from Anti-cel lphone use while driving campaigns in Canada, US & UK. Which campaign is the most convincing and why? British Anti-Texting Videos


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