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The Road to Revolution: (1770-1776) By: Coach Iles Germantown MS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Road to Revolution: (1770-1776) By: Coach Iles Germantown MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Road to Revolution: ( ) By: Coach Iles Germantown MS

2 Was the American Revolution Inevitable??

3 Tarring and Feathering of a Stamp Collector

4 The Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 Paul Revere’s Engraving

5 Alonzo Chappel (1876) The Boston Massacre

6 Committees of Correspondence:
A letter writing campaign to inform the other colonies about the British and their wrongdoings.

7 Tea Act (1773) British East India Co.:
Monopoly on British tea imports. Many members of Parliament held shares. Permitted the British East India Company to sell tea directly to colonies without colonial middlemen (cheaper tea!) Lord North expected the colonies to eagerly choose the cheaper tea.

8 Boston Tea Party (1773)-What happened?

9 The Coercive or Intolerable Acts (1774)
1. Closed Boston Port 2. Government Act 3. New Quartering Act Lord North 4. Administration of Justice Act

10 The Quebec Act (1774)  The Act stripped the colonies of their elected assemblies. It seemed to void the land claims of the colonies by granting most of the Ohio Country to the province of Quebec.

11 First Continental Congress (1774)
55 delegates from 12 colonies Agenda  How to respond to the Coercive Acts & the Quebec Act? 1 vote per colony represented.

12 The British Are Coming . . . Paul Revere & William Dawes make their midnight ride to warn the Minutemen of approaching British soldiers.

13 The Shot Heard ’Round the World! Lexington & Concord – April 18,1775

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