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The Odyssey Book One.

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1 The Odyssey Book One

2 Book One Homer’s Odyssey opens up with an assembly of the gods on Mount Olympus. We learn that Calypso keeps Odysseus prisoner on her island and Poseidon is punishing the heroic King for blinding his son the Cyclops. Athene is clearly pro Odysseus and asks for his release. She asks to be sent to Ithaca (Odysseus’ Kingdom), to visit Telemachus, Odysseus’ young son.

3 Book One She is to inform Telemachus to go to Pylos and Sparta to find out if his father is still alive. During her visit to the royal palace, we see just how despicable the suitors’ act. They party, enjoy themselves and show little respect for another man’s palace. Telemachus’ respectful treatment of the stranger, (Athene), contrasts sharply to that of the suitors, who gorge themselves on meat, wine and ignore her.

4 Book One When the suitors are informed by Telemachus that an assembly is to be called to discuss their continued presence in Ithaca they are startled. The young boy has gained fresh confidence and boldness in the wake of Athene’s visit. We learn in this book that Odysseus is alive and that he will return at some appointed time. Further more we are appalled at the behaviour of the suitors, whose insolent behaviour will be punished in the future.

5 Book One Why does Homer begin Book 1 at Ithaca twenty years after Odysseus has left for Troy?

6 Book One: Important Points
Why does Homer begin Book 1 at Ithaca twenty years after Odysseus has left for Troy? Firstly, we can see how there is a desperate need for the king’s return, given the state of his palace. Secondly, we see the scene fully at Ithaca, we know what Odysseus must return home to, and the challenges he is to face and how his return is anticipated. Also we see how the process of maturing Telemachus begins. He is packed off from Ithaca, told to visit the great heroes of the Trojan War (Nestor and Menelaus).

7 The young boy must develop and mature (heroically) to take a stand later on, side by side, with his father when he returns to re- claim his home and wife from the suitors. Telemachus’ inability to take on the suitors or expel them himself underlines his youthfulness and immaturity. Finally, note the moral tone of this epic from the beginning. Those who do wrong deserve to get what is coming to them. The suitors are clearly wrong-doers. They disrespect strangers, exploit another man’s house and goods etc. Evildoers paying for their wrong - doing is a very strong theme running throughout the Odyssey.

8 Book One Questions What do we learn about Odysseus at the Assembly of the Gods? What does Athena do on behalf of Odysseus? Describe her first encounter with Telemachus.

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