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The Olympic Gods and Goddesses and the beginning of the world.

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Presentation on theme: "The Olympic Gods and Goddesses and the beginning of the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Olympic Gods and Goddesses and the beginning of the world.
Review Jeopardy The Olympic Gods and Goddesses and the beginning of the world.

2 Final Jeopardy Question
gods Trojan War Beginning 1 Beginning 2 Beginning 3 Gods Beginning 4 Beginning 5 200 400 600 800 1000 Final Jeopardy Question

3 The Greek God whose symbol is a lightening bolt
The Greek God whose symbol is a lightening bolt. I am also the Lord of the universe!

4 Who is Zeus?

5 This god’s symbol is a trident.

6 Who is Poseidon?

7 A winged cap and shoes are my symbols
A winged cap and shoes are my symbols. Also, I am the god of heralds, messenger god and god of thieves! I am a mischievous one!

8 Who is Hermes?

9 The peacock is my favorite bird
The peacock is my favorite bird. Wedding rings can also be my symbol because I am the queen of the gods and goddess of marriage.

10 Who is Hera?

11 The blacksmith’s hammer and anvil are my symbols
The blacksmith’s hammer and anvil are my symbols. I am the god of smiths, fire and forge.

12 Who is Hephaestus?

13 A horrible six headed monster who lived on a rock on a narrow strait on the other side of Charybdis. Who am I?

14 Who is Scylla?

15 Goddess who turned Odysseus’ men into swine, for a while, but later turned them back and helped Odysseus and his men home. Who am I?

16 Circe

17 I was born out of the sea and am the most lovely of all the gods and goddesses. My little son, Eros, is the god of love and I am the goddess of love and beauty. My symbol is a dove.

18 Aphrodite?

19 As the ruler of the dead, I have a helmet that makes me invisible
As the ruler of the dead, I have a helmet that makes me invisible. Cerberus, my three headed dog, guards the gates. My symbols could be pomegranate seeds as well. Who am I?

20 Who is Hades?

21 Hades stole my daughter Persephone and I don’t allow anything to grow during the months she is in the underworld. I am the goddess of the harvest. My symbol could be wheat and a cornicopia.

22 Who is Demeter?

23 I am the god of light, philosophy and music
I am the god of light, philosophy and music. I love to play my lyre, which is also one of my symbols along with the sun.

24 Who is Apollo?

25 As Apollo’s twin, I am in charge of hunting and the forest
As Apollo’s twin, I am in charge of hunting and the forest. Also, I am the goddess of the moon. I am a man hater though! My symbols are the moon or my bow and arrows.

26 Who is Artemis?

27 I created the wine, I am the god of wine and revelry, now where is the party! Obviously, my symbols are grapes or a wine cup! Who am I?

28 Who is Dionysus?

29 I am goddess of wisdom and war. I was born out of my father Zeus’s head. The Acropolis was built in my honor. I am usually pictured with an owl for wisdom.

30 Who is Athena

31 I am the god of war and LOVE blood shed. The more the better
I am the god of war and LOVE blood shed! The more the better! Also, I am pretty handsome! My symbols are a shield and dogs.

32 Ares

33 a whirlpool on the other side of Scylla.. Who am I?

34 Charybdis

35 What is the oracle and why did Ancient Greeks refer to it?

36 It told the future?

37 I have a huge eye in the middle of my eye. I am a giant brute. Who am I?

38 Cyclops?

39 Explain how the Trojan War was started. NOT Hollywood’s version!

40 The goddess of discord interrupted a party and threw a golden apple out and said that Paris should pick the fairest to have the apple. Athena, Aphrodite and Hera all fought for it and promised him different things. He choose Aphrodite because she promised him the most beautiful woman as his wife.

41 Who was the most beautiful woman who started the Trojan War?

42 Helen

43 What did the Greeks use to trick and overthrow the Trojans in the end?

44 A Wooden Horse?

45 the island is celebrated as him to Odysseus.

46 Where is Ithaca?

47 a group of sea nymphs who by their sweet singing lured ships into destruction on the rocks surrounding their islands.

48 Who are the sirens?

49 the king of Ithaca. Leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War

50 Who was Odysseus?

51 A place where “magical” vapors were emitted from caverns and caused people to go into a trance. Eventually a young female virgin was placed here to interpret the future..

52 What is the Oracle of Delphi?

53 DAILY DOUBLE He is the three headed dog that guards the underworld?

54 Who is Cerberus?

55 The name of the river that leads to the Underworld.

56 What is the river Styx?

57 FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: You cannot bet more than you have…

58 It is the food and drink of the gods

59 What is nector and ambrosia

60 200 400 600 800 1000 PLOT POE & LIT TERMS POEMS SHORT STORIES
POTPOURRI 200 400 600 800 1000

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