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Tuesday, December 13 Goal:

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1 Tuesday, December 13 Goal:
Students analyze influence of culture, media and technology, and other factors on health Objective: Demonstrate their knowledge regarding Analyzing Influences Definitions: Calorie: a unit of measurement for energy. The amount of energy it take to raise one liter of water one degree Celsius. Journal: Use pages P/R/S: Neuro (R) nerve Class work: Team Assignment – Due TODAY Assign yourself in groups of 4 for Risky Behavior Asst. Homework: HW Asst. #8 Due Wednesday Dec 21 SWBAT

2 1. Start up your computer 2. log into your gmail 3
1. Start up your computer 2. log into your gmail 3. find your Risky Behavior File 4. Don’t have one? See me This is what you will be using the next 4 days NOTES – Google Docs. .

3 Wednesday, December 14 Goal:
Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Become familiar with choosemyplate.GOV (NOTE: we did not get to this asst. It will be given to anyone who is not working on their Risky Behavior Definitions: Minerals – inorganic substances that are generally absorbed to form structural components of the body. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Ligat (R) (ties) Class work: Homework: HW Asst. #8 Due Wednesday Dec 21 SWBAT

4 Thursday, December 15 Goal:
Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: In teams, students will explore a Risky Behavior Definitions: Vitamins – organic substances that assist in the chemical reaction that occur in the body. Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ode (S) (shaped) Class work: Team Risky Behavior - Docs Homework: HW Asst. #8 Due Wednesday Dec 21 SWBAT

5 Friday, December 16 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: In teams, students will explore a Risky Behavior Definitions: Vitamins – organic substances that assist in the chemical reaction that occur in the body. Journal: NONE P/R/S: blast (R) (embryonic; immature cell) Class work: Team Risky Behavior – Docs – this should be completed today. Homework: HW Asst. #8 Due Wednesday Dec 21 SWBAT

6 Monday, December 19 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: In teams, students will explore a Risky Behavior – EACH TEAM GET A RUBRIC FROM MRS. SOLOMON. Definitions: Carboydrates – a class of nutrients containing starches, simple sugars, glycogen and dietary fiber. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Therm (R) (heating) Class work: Team Risky Behavior - SLIDES Homework: HW Asst. #8 Due Wednesday Dec 21 SWBAT

7 Tuesday, December 19 Goal:
Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: In teams, students will explore a Risky Behavior – EACH TEAM GET A RUBRIC FROM MRS. SOLOMON. Definitions: Empathy – the ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings.. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Meta- (P) (beyond) Class work: Team Risky Behavior – SLIDES – should be done today minus the transitions – I will show you this when I return Homework: HW Asst. #8 Due Wednesday Dec 21 SWBAT

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