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The Study and Production of Texts

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1 The Study and Production of Texts
Semester 2 Lesson 4

2 A Warmer Brexit: 10 ways you could be affected by no-deal by the Visual Journalism team BBC News 11 March 2019

3 HOMEWORK Lesson 3
Read article p.18 Read texts p.21 – 24 Analyse the data and be prepared to present the data in class during a discussion

4 HOMEWORK Lesson 3 (cont’d)
Readings p25 – 27 STUDENT A read p STUDENT B read p27 & find another text

5 Turn to p22

6 1 highest 2 3 4 lowest


8 The data presented relates to the percentge of the Welsh population who are able to speak Welsh (c.1 in 4) and also their geographical distribution. It is clear from the data that there is a far greater number of Welsh speakers in North Wales than there is in South Wales, as indicated in Chart 1 and Figure 3. This noticeable difference can be illustrated by the fact that in four regions in North Wales the percentage of respondants who claim to be able to speak Welsh is above 40%, compared with six regions in South Wales where less than 10% of the participants surveyed said they were bilingual. There could be historical or geographical reasons for this higher intensity of Welsh speakers, but this information is not provided by the data. However, it might be suggested that the rapid industrialisation of South Wales in the 19th century resulting in the influx of non-Welsh speakers to the region could be an important contributary factor to the decline of the Welsh language in this highly populated part of Wales.

9 The data presented relates to the percentge of the Welsh population who are able to speak Welsh (c.1 in 4) and also their geographical distribution. It is clear from the data that there is a far greater number of Welsh speakers in North Wales than there is in South Wales, as indicated in Chart 1 and Figure 3. This noticeable difference can be illustrated by the fact that in four regions in North Wales the percentage of respondants who claim to be able to speak Welsh is above 40%, compared with six regions in South Wales where less than 10% of the participants surveyed said they were bilingual. There could be historical or geographical reasons for this higher intensity of Welsh speakers, but this information is not provided by the data. However, it might be suggested that the rapid industrialisation of South Wales in the 19th century resulting in the influx of non-Welsh speakers to the region could be an important contributary factor to the decline of the Welsh language in this highly populated part of Wales. 1. Location 2. Highlight 3. Comment

10 Work with a partner. Why is this a successful text?

11 The data presented relates to the percentge of the Welsh population who are able to speak Welsh (c.1 in 4) and also their geographical distribution. It is clear from the data that there is a far greater number of Welsh speakers in North Wales than there is in South Wales, as indicated in Chart 1 and Figure 3. This noticeable difference can be illustrated by the fact that in four regions in North Wales the percentage of respondants who claim to be able to speak Welsh is above 40%, compared with six regions in South Wales where less than 10% of the participants surveyed said they were bilingual. There could be historical or geographical reasons for this higher intensity of Welsh speakers, but this information is not provided by the data. However, it might be suggested that the rapid industrialisation of South Wales in the 19th century resulting in the influx of non-Welsh speakers to the region could be an important contributary factor to the decline of the Welsh language in this highly populated part of Wales.

12 Your objective Data Text



15 COHESIVE DEVICES are those elements of text which hold language together, by giving structure, meaning, direction and purpose to the text.

16 Lexical cohesion (repetition of words and use of word chains/families/fields/nets)
Grammatical cohesion (e.g. pronoun or article reference) Conjuncts or Linking words (e.g. and, no wonder, nevertheless, so) Paragraph structure (topic sentence, explanatory sentence and concluding sentence) Tense consistency Repetition Anaphoric Reference (backward reference) Cataphoric reference (forward reference)

17 (1) The data presented relates to the percentge of the Welsh population who are able to speak Welsh (c.1 in 4) and also their geographical distribution. (2) It is clear from the data that there is a far greater number of Welsh speakers in North Wales than there is in South Wales, as indicated in Chart 1 and Figure 3. (3) This noticeable difference can be illustrated by the fact that in four regions in North Wales the percentage of respondants who claim to be able to speak Welsh is above 40%, compared with six regions in South Wales where less than 10% of the participants surveyed said they were bilingual. (4) There could be historical or geographical reasons for this higher intensity of Welsh speakers, but this information is not provided by the data. (5) However, it might be suggested that the rapid industrialisation of South Wales in the 19th century resulting in the influx of non-Welsh speakers to the region could be an important contributary factor to the decline of the Welsh language in this highly populated part of Wales.


19 With a partner, try putting the following text in the correct order
With a partner, try putting the following text in the correct order. There is one extra sentence. Cotton But, in the cotton fields, the bolls are picked before this can happen. Pure textiles like cotton are rare today. Cotton grows best in warm, wet lands, including Asia, the southern United States,India, China, Egypt and Brazil. Cotton is a very useful plant. Inside its round fruits, called bolls, are masses of white fibres. When the fruits ripen, they split and the fibres are blown away.

20 Cotton Cotton is a very useful plant. Inside its round fruits, called bolls, are masses of white fibres. When the fruits ripen, they split and the fibres are blown away. But in the cotton fields, the bolls are picked before this can happen. Cotton grows best in warm wet lands, including Asia, the southern United States, India, China, Egypt and Brazil. (from Pocket Encyclopaedia by A. Jack) a, e, f, g, b, d

21 The following are some clues that might have helped you put the sentences in the correct order.
Word chains/families/fields/nets: cotton, plant, fibres, fields…. Repetition: Inside its round fruits….When the fruits ripen… Pronoun reference: Cotton is a very useful plant. Inside its round fruits… Article reference: …masses of white fibres…the fibres are blown away. Use of linkers: But in the cotton fields… Layout: Cotton title usually goes at the start.

22 Lexical Cohesion


24 Welsh population geographical distribution North Wales South Wales four regions in North Wales the percentage six regions in South Wales historical or geographical reasons the rapid industrialisation of South Wales in the 19th century the influx of non-Welsh speakers to the region in this highly populated part of Wales


26 The three main moves in Data Commentary:
Location Element and Summary Statement Highlighting Statements Comments

27 1 2 3 Highlighting Statements + Comments together
Statement 1 & Comment 1 Statement 2 & Comment 2 Statement 3 & Comment 3 1 Highlighting Statements + Comments together Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 All Highlighting Statements followed by All Comments Comment 1 Comment 2 Comment 3 then 2 Most important point Type 1 Minor points Type 2 A Mix 3

28 Opening paragraph 1 2 3 1 2 3 Finishing paragraph Refer to more than
location & highlight point 2 location & highlight point 3 all comment Refer to more than one chart at a time OR 1 location, highlight & comment 2 location, highlight & comment 3 location, highlight & comment Finishing paragraph

29 Turn to p6


31 The data presented relates to It is clear from the data that This noticeable difference can be illustrated by the fact that the percentage of respondants who claim this information is not provided by the data it might be suggested hence an important contributary factor the decline of

32 writing-data-commentary/





37 HOMEWORK Lesson 3 (cont’d)
Readings p25 – 27 STUDENT A read p STUDENT B read p27 & find another text Data Is the data used effectively? What language supports the arguments? How are these texts organised? Language Text


39 the_year_open_data_went_worldwide

40 Interesting article Tim Berners-Lee on 30 years of the world wide web: 'We can get the web we want'

41 HOMEWORK Lesson 4 Reflect Revise Revise some more


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