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Intro to Leadership CS Lesson

2 I am able to explain the stages of character development.
How would you explain to someone not in our class what the difference between personality and character is? What is one strength of each of the four personality traits (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green)? Thinking about your personality traits. What is one trait that you wish was part of your color? Is there one you wish wasn’t part of your color? Explain why. Learning Target I am able to explain the stages of character development.

3 Personality vs. Character Assessment
Have students put everything away. If you have privacy folders use them.

4 We are going to see character in action by watching a video about Team Hoyt, who are a father and son duo. Both father and son definitely have strong character and have accomplished amazing things together. Identify at least three things about Team Hoyt that show they have strong character. For each one: write down a reason why you feel that character trait is important to have in life.

5 Have a class discussion using any or all of the following questions:
What did you identify as strong character traits and why was each trait important? Teacher Note: Make connections to your own life where you have seen these traits play out and why they are important to you. What do you think the father and son’s personality type are? How did that help them or hinder them on their journey? Talk about the choices Dick and Rick Hoyt could have made when it was hard and how that could have changed the outcome.

6 Who is someone in your life that gives you the same support that Mr
Who is someone in your life that gives you the same support that Mr. Hoyt gives to his son?

7 Which one will you choose to focus on today and why?
Final Thoughts... Roy T Bennett, in his book The Light in the Heart, says there are 7 Effective Ways to Make Others Feel Important: Use their name. Express sincere gratitude. Do more listening than talking. Talk more about them than about you. Be authentically interested. Be sincere in your praise. Show you care. Which one will you choose to focus on today and why?


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