WCS Parent Survey 2015-2016 Wednesday, August 10, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "WCS Parent Survey 2015-2016 Wednesday, August 10, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 WCS Parent Survey Wednesday, August 10, 2016

2 90 Total Responses Date Created: Friday, May 27, 2016
Complete Responses: 81

3 Q1: How many children do you have enrolled at Westgate Community School?
Answered: Skipped: 0

4 Q1: How many children do you have enrolled at Westgate Community School?
Answered: Skipped: 0

5 Q2: What grade levels are your students in for 2015-2016
Answered: Skipped: 0

6 Q2: What grade levels are your students in for 2015-2016
Answered: Skipped: 0

7 Q3: My family has been at WCS:
Answered: Skipped: 2

8 Q3: My family has been at WCS:
Answered: Skipped: 2

9 Q4: I define my child as: (please check all that apply)
Answered: Skipped: 0

10 Q4: I define my child as: (please check all that apply)
Answered: Skipped: 0

11 Q5: My child/ren are : Answered: Skipped: 0

12 Q5: My child/ren are : Answered: Skipped: 0

13 Q6: My child's Homeroom or Advisory teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 1

14 Q6: My child's Homeroom or Advisory teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 1

15 Q7: My child's Language Arts teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 5

16 Q7: My child's Language Arts teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 5

17 Q8: My child's Math teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 13

18 Q8: My child's Math teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 13

19 Q9: My child's Science teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 10

20 Q9: My child's Science teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 10

21 Q10: My child's Social Studies teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 10

22 Q10: My child's Social Studies teacher is:
Answered: Skipped: 10

23 Q11: The Westgate'sSchool-Wide Newsletters are useful and informative.
Answered: Skipped: 5

24 Q11: The Westgate'sSchool-Wide Newsletters are useful and informative.
Answered: Skipped: 5

25 Q12: Teachers weekly web updates are useful and informative.
Answered: Skipped: 5

26 Q12: Teachers weekly web updates are useful and informative.
Answered: Skipped: 5

27 Q13: The Westgate Community School Website is useful and informative.
Answered: Skipped: 5

28 Q13: The Westgate Community School Website is useful and informative.
Answered: Skipped: 5

29 Q14: My student's teachers' web pages are updated weekly.
Answered: Skipped: 5

30 Q14: My student's teachers' web pages are updated weekly.
Answered: Skipped: 5

31 Q15: I am satisfied with the quantity and quality of work coming home in Friday Folders.
Answered: Skipped: 5

32 Q15: I am satisfied with the quantity and quality of work coming home in Friday Folders.
Answered: Skipped: 5

33 Q16: I feel comfortable contacting the school with a question or concern.
Answered: Skipped: 5

34 Q16: I feel comfortable contacting the school with a question or concern.
Answered: Skipped: 5

35 Q17: I am satisfied with the communication about my child's academic progress.
Answered: Skipped: 5

36 Q17: I am satisfied with the communication about my child's academic progress.
Answered: Skipped: 5

37 Q18: I am satisfied with the manner in which teachers and other staff members share information about my child's behavioral or social concerns at school with me. Answered: Skipped: 5

38 Q18: I am satisfied with the manner in which teachers and other staff members share information about my child's behavioral or social concerns at school with me. Answered: Skipped: 5

39 Q19: Emails to teachers are usually answered within 48 hours.
Answered: Skipped: 6

40 Q19: Emails to teachers are usually answered within 48 hours.
Answered: Skipped: 6

41 Q20: Communication with the school usually results in a positive outcome and/or resolution.
Answered: Skipped: 6

42 Q20: Communication with the school usually results in a positive outcome and/or resolution.
Answered: Skipped: 6

43 Q22: My child has been challenged as a learner at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 6

44 Q22: My child has been challenged as a learner at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 6

45 Q23: My child has been supported as a learner at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 6

46 Q23: My child has been supported as a learner at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 6

47 Q24: The instructional methods at WCS have been effective for my child.
Answered: Skipped: 6

48 Q24: The instructional methods at WCS have been effective for my child.
Answered: Skipped: 6

49 Q25: The accommodations and flexibility at WCS have helped my child succeed.
Answered: Skipped: 6

50 Q25: The accommodations and flexibility at WCS have helped my child succeed.
Answered: Skipped: 6

51 Q26: Students are allowed the right amount of choice and flexibility in their work.
Answered: Skipped: 7

52 Q26: Students are allowed the right amount of choice and flexibility in their work.
Answered: Skipped: 7

53 Q27: I am satisfied with the way Reading is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

54 Q27: I am satisfied with the way Reading is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

55 Q28: I am satisfied with the way Writing is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

56 Q28: I am satisfied with the way Writing is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

57 Q29: I am satisfied with the way Math is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

58 Q29: I am satisfied with the way Math is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

59 Q30: I am satisfied with the way Social Studies is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

60 Q30: I am satisfied with the way Social Studies is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

61 Q31: I am satisfied with the way Science is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

62 Q31: I am satisfied with the way Science is going for my child this year.
Answered: Skipped: 7

63 Q32: Conferences and the review of work samples in my child's portfolio demonstrated my child's academic growth well. Answered: Skipped: 7

64 Q32: Conferences and the review of work samples in my child's portfolio demonstrated my child's academic growth well. Answered: Skipped: 7

65 Q33: I understand how Standards Based Grading works and how the content standards guide instruction, assessment and reporting at WCS. Answered: Skipped: 8

66 Q33: I understand how Standards Based Grading works and how the content standards guide instruction, assessment and reporting at WCS. Answered: Skipped: 8

67 Q34: How often do you check the Infinite Campus portal to check on your student's standards based grades? Answered: Skipped: 6

68 Q34: How often do you check the Infinite Campus portal to check on your student's standards based grades? Answered: Skipped: 6

69 Q36: The grounds and facilities at school are safe and well-maintained.
Answered: Skipped: 9

70 Q36: The grounds and facilities at school are safe and well-maintained.
Answered: Skipped: 9

71 Q37: My child feels safe at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

72 Q37: My child feels safe at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

73 Q38: Supervision at recess is good and supports healthy, safe play.
Answered: Skipped: 9

74 Q38: Supervision at recess is good and supports healthy, safe play.
Answered: Skipped: 9

75 Q39: Before (7:45-8:00 a. m. ) and after school (3:30-3:45 p. m
Q39: Before (7:45-8:00 a.m.) and after school (3:30-3:45 p.m.) supervision is adequate. Answered: Skipped: 9

76 Q39: Before (7:45-8:00 a. m. ) and after school (3:30-3:45 p. m
Q39: Before (7:45-8:00 a.m.) and after school (3:30-3:45 p.m.) supervision is adequate. Answered: Skipped: 9

77 Q40: Student pick-up/drop-off is safe and efficient.
Answered: Skipped: 9

78 Q40: Student pick-up/drop-off is safe and efficient.
Answered: Skipped: 9

79 Q41: My child feels appreciated by the adults at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

80 Q41: My child feels appreciated by the adults at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

81 Q42: My child feels appreciated by other students at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

82 Q42: My child feels appreciated by other students at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

83 Q43: My child has positive peer experiences at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

84 Q43: My child has positive peer experiences at school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

85 Q44: I am satisfied with my child's social growth this year.
Answered: Skipped: 8

86 Q44: I am satisfied with my child's social growth this year.
Answered: Skipped: 8

87 Q45: My child is treated with respect by adults at the school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

88 Q45: My child is treated with respect by adults at the school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

89 Q46: My child is treated with respect by other students at the school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

90 Q46: My child is treated with respect by other students at the school.
Answered: Skipped: 8

91 Q47: Expectations for behavior are clearly communicated to students.
Answered: Skipped: 10

92 Q47: Expectations for behavior are clearly communicated to students.
Answered: Skipped: 10

93 Q48: Expectations for behaviors at school are clearly communicated to parents.
Answered: Skipped: 9

94 Q48: Expectations for behaviors at school are clearly communicated to parents.
Answered: Skipped: 9

95 Q49: The school's efforts to support positive behaviors are adequate.
Answered: Skipped: 10

96 Q49: The school's efforts to support positive behaviors are adequate.
Answered: Skipped: 10

97 Q50: Consequences for unfortunate choices are managed with fairness and with dignity by teachers.
Answered: Skipped: 10

98 Q50: Consequences for unfortunate choices are managed with fairness and with dignity by teachers.
Answered: Skipped: 10

99 Q51: Consequences for even moreunfortunate choices are managed with fairness and dignity by the Dean of Students. Answered: Skipped: 9

100 Q51: Consequences for even moreunfortunate choices are managed with fairness and dignity by the Dean of Students. Answered: Skipped: 9

101 Q53: Teachers at WCS are interested in and responsive to my input about my child.
Answered: Skipped: 11

102 Q53: Teachers at WCS are interested in and responsive to my input about my child.
Answered: Skipped: 11

103 Q54: The support staff and administration at WCS is interested in and responsive to my input about the school. Answered: Skipped: 11

104 Q54: The support staff and administration at WCS is interested in and responsive to my input about the school. Answered: Skipped: 11

105 Q55: Teachers have done well to create a positive culture at Westgate.
Answered: Skipped: 11

106 Q55: Teachers have done well to create a positive culture at Westgate.
Answered: Skipped: 11

107 Q56: School Leaders (administration and the Board) have done well to create a positive culture at Westgate. Answered: Skipped: 11

108 Q56: School Leaders (administration and the Board) have done well to create a positive culture at Westgate. Answered: Skipped: 11

109 Q57: Parents have done their part to create a healthy culture at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

110 Q57: Parents have done their part to create a healthy culture at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

111 Q58: The Executive Director is visible and accessible.
Answered: Skipped: 11

112 Q58: The Executive Director is visible and accessible.
Answered: Skipped: 11

113 Q59: Office support (front desk, business manager, book keeper, health aid, and enrollment) is accessible and responsive. Answered: Skipped: 12

114 Q59: Office support (front desk, business manager, book keeper, health aid, and enrollment) is accessible and responsive. Answered: Skipped: 12

115 Q60: There are many opportunities to get involved with activities at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 13

116 Q60: There are many opportunities to get involved with activities at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 13

117 Q61: I feel welcome and appreciated as a volunteer at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

118 Q61: I feel welcome and appreciated as a volunteer at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

119 Q62: I am satisfied with the number of social events for families at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

120 Q62: I am satisfied with the number of social events for families at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

121 Q63: I am comfortable and satisfied with my level of involvement at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

122 Q63: I am comfortable and satisfied with my level of involvement at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

123 Q64: I would support the expectation of each family volunteering 20 hours to the school.
Answered: Skipped: 13

124 Q64: I would support the expectation of each family volunteering 20 hours to the school.
Answered: Skipped: 13

125 Q65: There is respect for cultural differences and diversity at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

126 Q65: There is respect for cultural differences and diversity at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

127 Q67: I am satisfied with the school lunch program (Revolution Foods) at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

128 Q67: I am satisfied with the school lunch program (Revolution Foods) at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

129 Q68: I am satisfied with the Before and After School Enrichment (Kid's Adventures) program at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

130 Q68: I am satisfied with the Before and After School Enrichment (Kid's Adventures) program at WCS.
Answered: Skipped: 11

131 Q69: My child enjoys the school's After School Clubs.
Answered: Skipped: 11

132 Q69: My child enjoys the school's After School Clubs.
Answered: Skipped: 11

133 Q70: I am satisfied with the Art program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

134 Q70: I am satisfied with the Art program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

135 Q71: I am satisfied with the Music program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

136 Q71: I am satisfied with the Music program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

137 Q72: I am satisfied with the P.E./Wellness program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

138 Q72: I am satisfied with the P.E./Wellness program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

139 Q73: I am satisfied with the Technology program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

140 Q73: I am satisfied with the Technology program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

141 Q74: I am satisfied with the Drama program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

142 Q74: I am satisfied with the Drama program at WCS this year.
Answered: Skipped: 11

143 Q75: I am satisfied with the classroom enrichment (fieldtrips and speakers) that my child has had at WCS this year. Answered: Skipped: 11

144 Q75: I am satisfied with the classroom enrichment (fieldtrips and speakers) that my child has had at WCS this year. Answered: Skipped: 11

145 Q77: My student and family would like to have school-sponsored activities during the breaks: Answered: Skipped: 59

146 Q77: My student and family would like to have school-sponsored activities during the breaks: Answered: Skipped: 59

147 Q79: Which fundraising events would you like to see again next year
Q79: Which fundraising events would you like to see again next year? (Check all that apply.) Answered: Skipped: 20

148 Q79: Which fundraising events would you like to see again next year
Q79: Which fundraising events would you like to see again next year? (Check all that apply.) Answered: Skipped: 20

149 Q80: In which fundraisers did you, or will you, participate in this year? (Check all that apply.)
Answered: Skipped: 16

150 Q80: In which fundraisers did you, or will you, participate in this year? (Check all that apply.)
Answered: Skipped: 16

151 Q81: What time of year would be the following fundraisers be best for your family?
Answered: Skipped: 17

152 Q81: What time of year would be the following fundraisers be best for your family?
Answered: Skipped: 17

153 Q82: With regard to fundraising efforts do you feel:
Answered: Skipped: 18

154 Q82: With regard to fundraising efforts do you feel:
Answered: Skipped: 18

155 Q83: Would you like so see more low cost social events throughout the year (i.e. family movie nights, seasonal parties, game nights, etc.)? Answered: Skipped: 21

156 Q83: Would you like so see more low cost social events throughout the year (i.e. family movie nights, seasonal parties, game nights, etc.)? Answered: Skipped: 21

157 Q84: WCS would like to add more Parent Evenings where we can learn more and share information about our children. Tell us about the type of event you would be interested in attending. Answered: Skipped: 42

158 Q84: WCS would like to add more Parent Evenings where we can learn more and share information about our children. Tell us about the type of event you would be interested in attending. Answered: Skipped: 42

159 Q87: May we contact you about your responses?
Answered: Skipped: 24

160 Q87: May we contact you about your responses?
Answered: Skipped: 24

161 Q88: Overall, I am satisfied with my experience at Westgate Community School.
Answered: Skipped: 13

162 Q88: Overall, I am satisfied with my experience at Westgate Community School.
Answered: Skipped: 13

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