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Chapter 12 section 1 The New Imperialism.

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1 Chapter section 1 The New Imperialism

2 New phase of Western expansion began
Asia and Africa were seen as a good source for raw materials and societies Imperialism nations power over other lands

3 Europeans had trading posts in North America and south America and Africa
Imperialism by the late 19th century was called the new imperialism European states now want control over vast territories

4 Capitalist states in the west were looking for both markets and raw materials such as rubber, oil and tin Europeans were involved in rivalries Imperialism was tied to social Darwinism and racism

5 Social Darwinism believed in the struggle between nations; the fit are victorious
Racism is the belief that race determines traits and capabilities White man’s burden; Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive people

6 Colonial takeover Europeans only ruled two societies In southeast Asia, they were Spanish Philippines and the Dutch indies

7 Process began with Great Britain
In 1819, Great Britain sent Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles to found a new colony on a small island at the tip of the Mayan peninsula called Singapore Next fall was the Kingdom of Burma

8 Britain wanted control of Burma in order to protect its possessions in India
It also mas a land route through Burma into southern China This effort failed British activities in Burma led to the collapse of the Burmese monarchy

9 Had some missionaries operating in Vietnam
France Had some missionaries operating in Vietnam Vietnam failed to stop the Christian missionaries Two separate government north and south

10 In 1857 the French government decided to force the Vietnamese to accept French protection
The French succeeded in making the Vietnamese ruler give up territories in the Mekong River Delta In 1883 France seized the city of Hanoi and later made the Vietnamese empire a French political unit that depended on another government for protection (protectorate)

11 Thailand- the exception
French conquest of Indochina Only free state in southeast Asia is Thailand King Mongkut and his son King Chulalongkorn prevented Thailand from being under colonial role

12 In 1896 Britain and France agreed to keep Thailand as an independent state between their possessions in southeast Asia

13 It is now an American colony
The united states In 1898, during the Spanish-American war, US naval forces under commander George Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippines It is now an American colony Colonial regimes Chief goals were to exploit the natural resources of the land and to open up the market for the own manufactured goods

14 Indirect and direct role
Indirect role- local rulers were allowed to keep their authority and status in a new colonial setting Direct role- when local elites were replaced with Western officials France used both systems

15 Stressed the export of raw materials
Colonial economies Stressed the export of raw materials Lead to planted agriculture –peasants worked as wage laborers on the foreign- owned plantations Modern economic system began Built railroads and highways

16 Resistance to colonial role
Burma monarch fought for western domination Vietnam set up Can Vuong (save the king) Peasants uprising Many were educated Started to demand national independence

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