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The reality (3:1) The word of the LORD was rare and prophetic visions were not widespread.

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Presentation on theme: "The reality (3:1) The word of the LORD was rare and prophetic visions were not widespread."— Presentation transcript:


2 The reality (3:1) The word of the LORD was rare and prophetic visions were not widespread.

3 God speaks to Samuel (3:2–14) 1st time…. 2nd time…. (a clarification)
3rd time…. (Eli: God has been speaking to you….) 4th time….

4 The dreaded conversation

5 Samuel – the prophet of God

6 God DOES speak directly to us!
Hearing God’s Voice God has plans for us – generally and . (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 2:10) God is not going to have plans for us and then NOT tell us what He wants us to do! He WANTS to speak to us. He wants it to become normal. (Verses) God DOES speak directly to us!

7 Hearing God’s Voice Often, God speaks clearest and loudest through the Bible and godly teachers. (verses) God also speaks through circumstances and dreams – but this often takes more discernment. (verses) For many people, discerning whether a thought in their mind is “their” thought or God speaking to them. (Hebrews 3:7-8,). Most of us hear God’s voice. Auditory learning (wrods) , visual learners (visions, pictures), kinesthetic learners (a “sense”)

8 Hearing God’s Voice Start here: listen to God’s voice (and obey it!) as you read the Bible and listen to godly teachers. (God is already speaking to you!) God also speaks through circumstances and dreams – but this often takes more discernment. (verses) For many people, it is hardest to discern whether a thought in their mind is “their” thought or God speaking to them. (verses)

9 Hearing God’s Voice If a thought (prompting) pops into your mind (often random): Pray, “God, is this thought…YOUR thought or MY thought?” And then wait and listen. Does it line up with the Jesus I see in Scripture? Does it line up with God’s heart? Is it setting your free from sin? Is it a step of obedience that is clear in Scirptures? Listen some more. If you have some sense of peace or some spiritual sense that this is God speaking to you, FOLLOW THROUGH on that thought! (God is honored that you are trying to listen to His voice!) If you are met with silence, confusion, doubt, etc., Process this thought with a trusted and godly friend OR ask yourself, “If I followed through on this thought, would it bring glory to God?” And then, if possible, lean in – try to do it! Get into the habit of FOLLOWING THROUGH on these promptings. Our sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit will increase as we remain open to hearing God’s voice and consistently follow through on the thoughts…..

10 Hearing God’s Voice God speaks to us through the Bible, other people, circumstances, dreams, etc. He also speaks to us directly, by putting His thoughts into our minds. (VERSES)

11 Hearing God’s Voice God wants to guide us, lead us, direct us. He does not toy with us, tease us, hold back, wanting to make it difficult for us to hear His voice He DOES speak to us. We just need to learn to listen…and hear. God speaks to us through: The Bible – we can control whether this happens by reading the Bible Through other Christians – we can control whether this happens by choosing to listen to people (scheduled – go to church; unscheduled – a friend confronts you) Through circumstances – we can’t control this Through dreams – we can’t control this Through putting thoughts into our mind – we can’t control

12 Our level of confidence that this is God’s voice
God speaks to us… Our level of confidence that this is God’s voice …through the Bible High …through other people Depends …through circumstances …through dreams …by putting thoughts in our minds

13 God DOES speak directly to us!
Hearing God’s Voice God wants to guide us, lead us, direct us. (verses) God is not going to want lead us but then not tell us what He wants us to do! God DOES speak directly to us! wants to guide us, lead us, direct us. (verses). God is not going to want us to do things but then not tell us! God speaks to us! Do you think God WANTS to guide/lead us BUT doesn’t want to speak clearly to us? He does not toy with us, tease us, or hold back.

14 Our level of confidence that this is God’s voice
Ways God speaks to us Our level of confidence that this is God’s voice Bible High people Depends circumstances dreams Speaking directly to us (by putting thoughts in our minds) All of these require a confidence that God DOES speak and I CAN hear. Samuel: God spoke directly to him (#5)

15 Our level of confidence that this is God’s voice
God speaks to us… Our level of confidence that this is God’s voice Bible High people Depends circumstances dreams the Holy Spirit puts thoughts in our minds

16 Parenting Responsibilities
Stay laser-focused on the #1 goal of Christian parenting: to raise godly children. Has not the one God made you? You belong to Him in body and spirit. And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring. Malachi 2:15

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