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James K Polk.

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1 James K Polk

2 James K. Polk He was a Democrat
Defeated Henry Clay in the election of

3 Polk’s Goals President Polk only had 5 goals for his time as president
Reestablish funds in the U.S. Treasury Reduce Taxes Acquire some of the Oregon Territory Acquire New Mexico and California from Mexico Only stay in office one term

4 Mexico versus America A border conflict begins after Texas becomes a state U.S. claims border was Rio Grande River. Mexico claims border was Nueces River


6 Mexican American War (1846-1848)
War begins when Polk ordered troops across the Nueces River. Mexicans fire on U.S. troops “starting” the war.

7 Mexican American War General Zachary Taylor led American troops across the river. Won a huge battle over the Mexicans Ends up being a war hero.

8 California California became a U.S. territory during the Mexican- American War. John Fremont led the revolt in California California then quickly added as U.S. state

9 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Ends the war and gives America the southwestern states (known as Mexican Cession)


11 Gold Rush In 1848 gold found at Sutter’s Mill, California.
A year later, thousands of prospectors arrived in CA known as 49’ers Prospectors are people in search of gold


13 Gadsden Purchase Purchase of territory in Southern Arizona and New Mexico. Bought for possible construction of transcontinental railroad.

14 Wilmot Proviso Proposal issued in Congress which stated any new lands gained from Mexico would NOT be open to slavery. New England states suggested the proposal.


16 Oregon Territory Area split between U.S. and Britain.
Famous for the Oregon Trail Trail starts in Independence, Missouri and ends in Oregon) U.S. nearly goes to war with Britain over this territory Americans demanded “54’-40’ or fight.” Oregon is added as state in 1848.


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