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2 The Parable Of The Laborers In The Vineyard Mt 20:1-16

3 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 Setting Most likely, in Perea Mt 19:1 Jesus is still on His way to Jerusalem The Rich Young Ruler has just finished his encounter with Jesus Mt 19:16-26 Peter compares the disciples with the departed young man Mt 19:27

4 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 Setting The disciples had for months been discussing…even “arguing”…which one among them was the greatest Mt 18:1 Mk 9: Lk 9:46 They would even continue this on the night Jesus was betrayed Lk 22:24

5 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 Setting The parable is “sandwiched” between Jesus’ answer to Peter’s question and the request of James & John’s mother Mt 19: :20-228 Notice Mt 19:30 & 20:16 [Before & after] The last shall be first…the first shall be last

6 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Parable A landowner needed laborers…he “contracted” with a group early in the morning vv. 1-2 He also went out at other times of the day to find more laborers vv. 3-7 He promised to give “what was right”

7 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Parable At day’s end, the landowner paid the laborers in reverse order of hire v. 8 Those hired last (in the 11th hour) received 1 denarius v. 9 Those hired first expected much more… they also received 1 denarius v. 10

8 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Parable The laborers hired first complained at being “unfairly treated” vv They had done most of the work Others hired after them should not have been made equal to them

9 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Parable The landowner justified his actions as “fair” vv He had done them no wrong…had he not paid them according to their agreement? If he wanted to be generous with his own money, that was his prerogative

10 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The parable addresses an attitude not to be found among Jesus’ disciples “Rewards for faithful service” is not based upon deeds done others won’t do, or the length of service

11 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The parable only focuses on 2 groups – The “first” group vv. 2, 10-15 The “last” group vv. 6-9 “The last shall be first…the first shall be last.” Mt 19: :16

12 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The laborers hired first are those who consider themselves more “valuable” than others based on their work Pay had to be “negotiated” prior to their work v. 2 They expected to receive more than others

13 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The laborers hired last are those who put their trust in God to be treated right They were willing to work whatever was available (“desperate” at the 11th hour) They trusted they would be treated fairly… “whatever is right” cp. 1 Pet 1:3-9

14 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application Imagine the laborers at pay time The 11th hour laborers They could not have believed their eyes!! A full day’s pay for only 1 hour of work They certainly had not earned such reward Emphasis is on the landowner…not them Titus 3:4-7

15 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application Imagine the laborers at pay time The 1st hour laborers Upon seeing what the 11th hour laborers receive, they must have happily thought “What will we get for our labor!?!” cp. Mt 19:27 Emphasis is on them…not the landowner

16 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application Imagine the laborers at pay time The 1st hour laborers No one can “earn” anything from God Rom 4:1-5 Salvation is not “pay”…it is God’s gift He bestows grace & mercy to the extent He thinks “whatever is right” Eph 2:8-9

17 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The laborers hired first were unhappy at the landowner He was cheating them They were also unhappy at the other laborers hired after them They had been made equal to them

18 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The laborers hired first could have been grateful for what was theirs v. 14 Gratitude toward God They could also have been happy at the good fortunes of other laborers v. 15 Compassion toward others They were neither of these

19 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application A “hireling” One who serves for hire, especially for purely monetary reasons or motives To have a “hireling spirit” is to labor for another only to receive pay Such a one is “only in it for the money”

20 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application Addressing this “hireling spirit”… Greatness in the kingdom will not be based upon length or amount of labor Greatness will be in believing in God’s goodness, trusting Him to do what is right, and gratitude at being allowed to labor

21 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The “usual” interpretation… The parable discusses those who come to Christ at different stages of life While it is true man can come to the Lord at any age, does the surrounding context support such a view?

22 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The context does not seem to have this view in mind Jesus addresses Peter’s question after the young ruler departs Mt 19:27 Those who think their labor is worthy of a certain reward will be last

23 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Application The context does not seem to have this view in mind Those who are glad to labor for God, and who simply & humbly trust His good favor to give them whatever He thinks is right will be first

24 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Lesson It is not how great the labor nor how long we labor that makes us great in the kingdom…but how true the heart Do I possess the “hireling spirit?” Do I compare myself to other laborers, even think myself better than them?

25 The Laborers In The Vineyard
Mt 20:1-16 The Lesson It is not how great the labor nor how long we labor that makes us great in the kingdom…but how true the heart Do I simply put my trust in God…that He will give whatever He thinks is “right?”


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