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Personalisation: Closing the rhetoric – reality gap

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Presentation on theme: "Personalisation: Closing the rhetoric – reality gap"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalisation: Closing the rhetoric – reality gap
TLAP Partnership Day

2 Reflecting back ←← moving forward →→

3 Rhetoric and Reality Policies on things that TLAP has always championed have come into place TLAP partners learning and sharing what works Council Care Act self assessments relatively positive

4 But… Surveys show a very mixed picture of people’s experience
Partners confirming challenges Personalisation much less prominent in national, regional and local priorities and programmes Systematic evaluation is lacking – especially finding out from local people what is working and not

5 Bridging rhetoric/reality gap what can we do?
Nationally – influence key bodies, gather & share what working and not… Influence and support regional improvement programmes Direct action by partners individually & collectively

6 Do we need to work differently?
Set different priorities? Balance of work – direct team v support for partner activity Partner collaborations National/regional/local

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