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Welcome Back! Bellringer

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Bellringer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Bellringer
What is the blanket of air that surrounds the Earth? Quiz Friday on notes 7.1 – 7.4 I put up your rocketships from the Saltwater Test Atmosphere


3 What is the Atmosphere? Atmosphere – the blanket of gases that surround the Earth and go from the surface to outer space

4 What is the Atmosphere? Made of air, which is a combination of gases
78% Nitrogen (N2) 21% Oxygen (O2) 1% Other Gases (such as Argon, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Water Vapor)

5 What is the Atmosphere? What else is in the atmosphere?
Water vapor (water in gas phase) – the amount changes based on season, elevation, and ground features Solids (such as dust and salt) – combine with water vapor to create clouds

6 What is the Atmosphere? Gas levels (including oxygen) decrease with elevation until there are too few gas particles to detect

7 Layers of the Atmosphere
EXOSPHERE Layers of the Atmosphere 5 Layers: Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere } Lower Atmosphere } Upper Atmosphere

8 Troposphere Tropopause – highest point of the troposphere
Closest layer to the Earth (the layer we live in) Layer where clouds form, weather occurs, and air pollution collects

9 Troposphere Contains most of the atmosphere’s mass (air particles)
Temperatures in the troposphere decrease with elevation Ex: snow-topped mountains

10 Stratosphere Stratopause – highest point of the stratosphere
Contains the Ozone Layer Ozone (O3) – a gas that absorbs some of the Sun’s radiation and helps warm the Earth Temperatures increase with elevation because of all the absorbed radiation

11 Mesosphere __________ – highest point of the mesosphere Mesopause
Middle layer (“meso” means “middle”) Meteors burn up in this layer Coldest layer (-90o Celsius!) Temperatures decrease with elevation Mesopause

12 Thermosphere Hottest layer (more than 1000oC!)
Temperatures increase with elevation During the day, temperatures can increase by oC The air molecules are so far apart, they wouldn’t feel warm to humans

13 Exosphere Outermost layer of the atmosphere
Very little nitrogen and oxygen; mostly hydrogen and helium Temperatures decrease with elevation

14 Exosphere Very little mass, fewer and fewer air particles until there are none Gradually fades into outer space

15 Layers of the Atmosphere
A way to remember the layers: That Silly Martian Tickled Elmo

16 Temperature ___ with Elevation (circle answer)
Fill in table Atmospheric Layer Temperature ___ with Elevation (circle answer) Special Features Increase Decrease Closest layer; weather and pollution Ozone layer Meteors burn up; Coldest layer Hottest layer Outermost layer; Hydrogen and helium Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere

17 Ionosphere Overlaps several of the layers (not considered one of the 5 major layers) Sun’s radiation creates electrically-charged particles (ions)

18 Ionosphere The ions sometimes release energy in the form of light, creating the auroras (Northern and Southern Lights)

19 ISS and the Auroras

20 Solar Energy Most of the changes in the atmosphere are due to differences in temperature or air pressure The differences in temperature are due to different amounts of solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere

21 Solar Energy The Sun is the source of all energy in the atmosphere
Approximately 50% of the Sun’s energy is reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere This means only 50% of the Sun’s energy makes it to Earth’s surface

22 Solar Energy How is energy transferred?

23 Solar Energy Radiation – the transfer of energy through space by visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and other forms of electromagnetic waves

24 Solar Energy Conduction – the transfer of energy when molecules come in direct contact with each other Conduction only affects a thin layer of air near Earth’s surface when surface air particles transfer heat to air particles in the troposphere

25 Solar Energy Convection -- the transfer of energy by the movement of heated substances Warm air ______ and cold air ________!!!!!

26 Solar Energy As warm air rises, it cools and sinks back towards Earth, where it warms again This movement of air (convection) causes weather

27 Graphing the Atmosphere
You will need a black, blue, and red coloring pencil, as well as a ruler Do #s 1 & 2 FIRST with the table Then complete #s 3-8 on the graph Answer analysis questions Staple back together Make sure your name is on it Put in the basket



30 Bell Ringer Announcements
Turn in Graphing Activity if you didn’t yesterday Wave Diagrams – optional make-up assignment for people who scored 60 or below (stapled to your original assignment). Let me know if I accidentally missed you. Make up Saltwater Tests asap (today or Thurs) Hand back tests. Hand back vocab and review.

31 National Geographic Video


33 Bill Nye -- Atmosphere Get out a sheet of notebook paper.
As you are watching, write down: 3 things you already knew about the atmosphere 2 things you learned about the atmosphere 1 thing you found really interesting (be specific) Turn in at the end of the video After the video: work INDIVIDUALLY on Atmosphere Vocabulary Sheet.

34 Make vocab foldables Column 1: word, Column 4: picture They fold and cut Column 2 (behind word) – definition Column 3 (behind pic) -- sentence

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