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冀教版 八年级下册 Lesson 31:Don’t Fall, Danny!.

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Presentation on theme: "冀教版 八年级下册 Lesson 31:Don’t Fall, Danny!."— Presentation transcript:

1 冀教版 八年级下册 Lesson 31:Don’t Fall, Danny!

2 champion -metre freestyle . set At the London Olympic Games, Sun Yang
became the Olympic swimming ________ after winning the 1500-metre freestyle. He also ______a new record in the 1500 -metre freestyle . champion set

3 Do you have uncles / aunts / cousins ?
They are all your relatives.

4 If you are the c___________ in the
Olympics, all of your r__________ will be proud of you. hampion elatives

5 Have you ever heard of this book ? Do you know what’s in it ? It’s full of the world records.

6 What’s Danny doing? Why? Will he succeed ? He is standing on one foot.
Maybe he wants to set a new record. Will he succeed ?

7 Listen and write true (T) or false (F)
1 Danny dreams about breaking the record for standing on one foot. ( ) 2 Jenny will have chicken for supper. T F

8 Read the lesson and answer the questions.
1 Why is Danny standing on one foot ? 2 How long will Danny have to stand on one foot ? 3 Why does Danny give up ? 4 Who will come to Danny’s home ?

9 1 Why is Danny standing on one foot ?
Because he wants to set a new world record. Jenny: Danny, why are you standing on one foot ? Danny : I want to set a new world record. I will be the champion of standing on one foot !

10 2 How long will Danny have to stand on one foot?
He will have to stand on one foot for seven hours and fifty-seven minutes. Danny: I’m so tired! How long will have to do this? Jenny: Brian is coming. We can ask him. He has a book of world records. Danny: Hi, Brian. I have been standing on one foot for more than three minutes. I want to break a world record. Do you know what the record is? Brian: (He looks in his book .) The record is eight hours. Don’t stop, Danny. In seven hours and fifty-seven minutes, you’ll be the champion!

11 3 Why does Danny give up? Because his family is going to have a
gathering tonight. And he thinks the gathering is more important than a world record. Danny : That’s very kind of you, Jenny. But my family is going to have a gathering tonight. Many relatives are coming, and my mum is cooking chicken. I love chicken! Brian: Well, you can’t walk there on one foot . Danny: ( He puts his foot down.) I’ll walk there on two feet. The gathering is more important than a world record!

12 4 Who will come to Danny’s home?
Many relatives will come to Danny’s home. Danny : That’s very kind of you, Jenny. But my family is going to have a gathering tonight. Many relatives are coming, and my mum is cooking chicken. I love chicken!

13 We have known so many records.
Do you know what this is? Can you play with it? Do you know the world record of spinning the hula-hoops? Do you know who keeps the world record? Hula-hoop

14 Group work: 金琳琳 1988年出生于哈尔滨 自八岁就开始练习呼拉圈, 并自此对呼拉圈入迷 职业 舞蹈演员
职业 舞蹈演员 2011年2月2日同时转动 呼啦圈305个,并坚持了 23秒,再次刷新由自己 保持的吉尼斯世界纪录。

15 Writing: Do you want to break a world record and be a champion? If you want to make your dream come true, what will you do?

16 Homework: Find some interesting records and talk about them.

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