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How to create an audio clip

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Presentation on theme: "How to create an audio clip"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create an audio clip

2 Last lesson we looked at what makes a good advert
What were some of the points raised?

3 In this lesson students are learning about:
How to use specific software to produce and audio clip Copyright

4 At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
Record their voice and add to a track Add sound effects Clip tracks Learn how to fade in and fade out

5 This lesson is very practical
Your teacher will guide you through how to use relevant software you will need to be able to create an audio clip. You could use a program called “Audacity” on a PC or “Garageband” on a Mac

6 How to use the software There are thousands of tutorials on the web as to how to use these programs. Your teacher can guide you through some aspects though strong ICT students tend to be those who are not afraid to experiment with the software themselves!

7 Here are some example radio adverts created using Garageband

8 Copyright Remember that if you are going to use any clips from any artists then you would need to seek their permission to do so as an absolute minimum For your CA you also have to reference the source of your audio clip. This INCLUDES any sound effects or “loops” from Garageband

9 Copyright Some interesting information on use of sound

10 Task Using the plan that you created last lesson begin to create your audio clip. If you need a quiet space to record your (or someone else’s) voice then this can be arranged by your teacher

11 When you have finished your audio clip
Make sure you EXPORT THE CLIP AS AN MP3 Then you should be able to insert your clip directly into your app

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