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Introductory Lecture Programming Club. Agenda Programming in Linux for newbies Transition from Turbo to GNU C/C++ Face to face with the ONLINE JUDGE Contest.

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Presentation on theme: "Introductory Lecture Programming Club. Agenda Programming in Linux for newbies Transition from Turbo to GNU C/C++ Face to face with the ONLINE JUDGE Contest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductory Lecture Programming Club

2 Agenda Programming in Linux for newbies Transition from Turbo to GNU C/C++ Face to face with the ONLINE JUDGE Contest for y6 Junta Weekend Programming Contest

3 Linux for newbies Basic Linux Commands ls, cp, mkdir, chmod, man, rm, less, mv. Text editors Kate, kwrite, emacs, vi. Compile GNU C : gcc GNU C++: g++ Java : javac Execute GNU C/C++:./a.out Java : java

4 Transition from Turbo to GNU C/C++ Use #include instead of #include Include the line using namespace std; before the main function. Do not include conio.h. Do not use any external library int size is 32 bit.

5 Example Problem You are given a very long number of about 1000 digits. You have to successively keep on summing the digits till you reach a single digit. For example – Input: 9946879 Output: 7 How? 9+9+4+6+8+7+9=52; 5+2=7

6 Face to face with Online Judge How to submit ? Understanding judge response Success. Solution Accepted. Compile Error. Wrong Answer. Execution Error: It can be further divided into following categories: Invalid Memory Reference: Null pointer exception? Are you consuming too much memory. Process tried to write a file. Process killed by signal 9 => Time Limit Exceeded. Unknown Error:

7 Contest for Y6 Junta Contest exclusively for Y6 Contest Problems Pascal triangle Longest palindrome in a given string One number in an array of n no.s is missing, nos are not in order, find the missing number Given a number get a new number by adding the digits of the number……keep doing this until the number reduces to a single digit. Print the digit you get Submit solutions/algorithms at

8 WPC Register at atleast one hour before the contest begins Date:20 th Aug 2006 Time :8:30 pm to 11:30 pm Submission page : All are invited

9 Prizes WPC First prize: 300/- Second Prize: 200/- Third prize: 100/- Chocolates for first 10 correct entries for each question. Y6 contest First correct entry for each problem : Rs 200

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