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Gifts and Talents On a separate sheet of paper, let’s make an acrostic poem, using the letters of our name. Each letter will represent a talent or gift.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifts and Talents On a separate sheet of paper, let’s make an acrostic poem, using the letters of our name. Each letter will represent a talent or gift."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifts and Talents On a separate sheet of paper, let’s make an acrostic poem, using the letters of our name. Each letter will represent a talent or gift that we bring to the world.

2 Colour your sheet and add images to it, that go with the talents and gifts you chose.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit p.13 (copy) The Church lists seven gifts that help us to relate to God, the world and each other. The Holy Spirit brings them to us.

3 Wisdom A wise person… Knows what is really important and what is not.
Can put aside their own desires, fears and prejudice, to say and do what is needed. Can see how God wants things to be. Kings video

4 2. Understanding An understanding person...
knows when someone needs help, and helps them quickly knows when someone just needs them to listen makes sacrifices for the needs of others Luke video

5 Now, it’s your turn!  Make your own notes about the remaining, five gifts of the Holy Spirit. Use your textbook to guide you. (Work hard on this because it’s going to be on the quiz ) Test – Wed., October 18th

6 3. Counsel (Right Judgment)
This means helping to make things into the way they should be. A good counsellor... knows how to lead others into what is right and good knows how to discover the truth beneath what people say

7 4. Knowledge This means understanding how things work and fit together, according to God's purpose. A knowledgeable person... is not easily fooled is good at solving problems provides others with the facts they need.

8 5. Fortitude (Courage) This means being brave enough to keep going, even when things get really difficult, painful or scary. video A brave person… Takes risks to do what is right Doesn’t give in to peer pressure

9 6. Piety (Reverence) This means loyalty and faithfulness to God. It also means praying, changing our ways and trusting in prayer. Pious people… Never lose faith during hard times Pray for themselves and others Find joy and strength in God

10 7. Fear of the Lord (Awe) This involves awe and wonder in God’s presence. It means realizing that God’s plan is greater than our understanding, while still trusting in it, though we don’t understand it. vlogger A person with this gift… Worships God Puts God first Accepts God’s help and control

11 Empathy The Hulk

12 What to study... Gifts of the Holy Spirit Psalms notes Pentecost notes
Expectations Where to find God (4 places)

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