Draft Resolutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Resolutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Resolutions

2 What is a Draft Resolution??
A formally-written set of actions intended to solve the topic-problems with preambulatory and operative clauses. Basically, a formal way of writing the solutions to the problems discussed in your topics.

3 When do you write a draft resolution?
You will definitely write your draft resolution during conference. NOT PRE-WRITTEN During conference, you’ll write working papers in unmoderated caucuses when you can talk with your bloc. Working papers are called draft resolutions after they are approved by the chair.

4 Purpose of a Draft Resolution When are they introduced/ presented?
Formally propose solutions to your debated topic-issues!! When are they introduced/ presented? When your bloc (sponsors) believes that the DR has enough support to be introduced to the entire committee; (usually during 2nd/ 3rd session) For NAIMUN, must have 1/5 of the committee plus one (20% + 1) as sponsors /signatories to introduce it Presented in order of submission. EX: DR 1.1, DR 1.2, etc. After intro, Q&A sessions are done, and amendments are made which are also voted on by the committee and finally….. VOTING PROCEDURES!!

5 Draft Resolutions vs. Working Papers
Pre- draft resolution Can use informal language Not yet approved by the chair Draft Resolutions Working papers that are approved by the chair Formal language and formatting

6 Steps of Writing a Draft Resolution
After working papers are approved by the Dais.. You’re ready to start presenting your Draft Resolution! Draft Resolutions have two main parts: The Header Body- Split into two parts, Pre-ambulatory clauses , and operative phrases

The Header The heading of your draft resolution includes organizational and administrative information. Necessary information includes... Name of the committee Sponsoring countries Signatories countries Topic being discussed The order depends on the individual conference. They may also include numbering to specify order of submission. REFER TO RESOLUTION HANDOUT FOR EXAMPLE

The Body Preambulatory Clauses Pre-ambulatory clauses (unamendable) provide a general overview of the topic and include past UN actions ( bring up documents, such as resolutions, treaties, the UN Charter, etc. ) Each clause should begin with a preambulatory phrase, which is underlined and followed with the rest of the clause. The clause is then ended with a comma. Ex. of Preambulatory phrases Acknowledging Deeply convinced Having adopted Affirming Aware of Emphasizing Having examined Believing Expecting Having heard REFER TO RESOLUTION HANDOUT FOR EXAMPLE

9 The Body: Operative Clauses
Operative clauses contain the real content and action of a resolution. These clauses are meant to achieve the main policy goals of the signatories. Each clause has only one idea, and sub-clauses are used to further detail the main action of the operatives. Format: Operative clauses begin with an operative phrase, which is a verb and is underlined. The operative phrase is followed by the remainder of the clause, which is terminated by a semicolon, except for the last operative clause, which is terminated by a period. Each operative clause is numbered and indented, and may include lettered sub-clauses. Ex. of operative phrases Accepts Designates Recommends Affirms Draws attention Regrets Approves Emphasizes Reminds Operative clauses complete the resolution (they will be at the end of the document) and can be amended. REFER TO RESOLUTION HANDOUT FOR EXAMPLE

10 Sponsors Vs. Signatories
Countries that agree with the content of your resolution Write the resolution with you. Example: Japan will write one operative clause that contains the policy that they advocated for, Ireland will write another and so on...OVERALL all these clauses will result in a cohesive draft resolution Most likely vote in favor of your resolution Part of your bloc SIGNATORIES Countries that would like to see your draft resolution get debated Do not necessarily agree with the contents of your resolution Example: China does not agree with some clauses on the resolution for Japan’s bloc, so they decide to be a signatory to the paper as they would like to see it get debated Does not have to vote in favor of your resolution 20% + 1 of the committee as either sponsors/signatories to introduce your working papers!!

11 Unfriendly Amendments
An amendment is a written statement that adds, deletes, or revises an operative clause in a draft resolution. There are two different kinds of amendment: friendly and unfriendly Friendly Amendments All the sponsors of the draft resolution need to agree to the change Added to the resolution without a vote Unfriendly Amendments A change that all or some of the draft resolution’s sponsors do not agree to Requires 12.5% plus 1 of the committee to be a sponsor or signatory to be voted on Voted on before the draft resolution it modifies in voting procedure Passes by majority vote

12 EXAMPLE… (Refer to Handout & NAIMUN Website)

Lebanon resolution:

14 Thank you for listening!

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