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THeories And why they matter.

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Presentation on theme: "THeories And why they matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 THeories And why they matter

2 What is a theory?

3 Characteristics of scientific knowledge/theories
Empirical Rational Testable (falsifiable) Parsimonious General Tentative Rigorously (and publically) evaluated Characteristics of scientific knowledge/theories

4 Example of how theories grow
Bystander intervention -> Diffusion of responsibility-> Test in different ways-> Does it apply to other situations?-> Social impact theory Example of how theories grow

5 What do theories do? Classify/describe things Predict Explain
Guide research What do theories do?

6 Circular reasoning Tautologies

7 Intervening variables
Concepts that link the IV and DV Mediator—accounts for the relationship between the IV and DV; tells “why” Moderator—affects the direction or strength of the relationship: tells “when” or “how” Intervening variables

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