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Federalist, Anti-Federalist and Federalist Papers

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1 Federalist, Anti-Federalist and Federalist Papers

2 Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Supporters of new Constitution called “Federalists” George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were federalists James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay were also federalists & wrote a series of essays explaining the constitution called “The Federalists Papers” Anti-federalists opposed ratification of the constitution because it created a strong federal govt and did not include a bill of rights.

3 The Federalist Papers The Federalist Papers, or series of essays, were published in newspapers to explain how the US govt would function under the new constitution Under the new constitution, the federal govt had more poper See pg 614 & 615

4 Federalism (federal system of govt)
Define federalism: divide power between federal govt and state govt. Federalism is an example of separation of powers

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