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South Asia.

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1 South Asia

2 Monsoons strong, often violent winds that change direction with the season. These winds cause torrential rain. Example: India

3 Tsunami Tidal wave that is caused by an earthquake under water.
Indonesia Tidal wave that is caused by an earthquake under water. Example: December 26, in the Indian Ocean killing 190,000 people and leaving millions homeless in 11 countries in Richter scale The Impossible Thailand Tsunami

4 Population Pyramid Age
India, 2009 a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a human population Age Number of people male female Gender

5 Rapid Growth Population Pyramid
When the population pyramid has a wide base (bottom) that shows a large amount of births in a country. Examples: India, Ethiopia, Somalia (typically underdeveloped nations)

6 Slow Growth Population Pyramid
When the population pyramid does not have a rapid growth, a majority of the population is in the middle of pyramid. Example: United States (typically developed countries)

7 Declining Population Growth
When the population pyramid has more people in older age groups than younger with fewer people having children. Example: Italy, Japan, Germany.

8 What issues may occur with each population pyramid?
Rapid Growth- Slow Growth- Declining-

9 Which population pyramid is the best? Why?
Why is it important to predict the future population of a country?

10 Subsistence Agriculture
Food is grown by a family for its own consumption rather than to sell. Example: Less developed countries or areas of countries outside the city.

11 Commercial Agriculture
The use of expensive technology and chemical fertilizers to grow crops to sell. Example: United States, Some parts of Mexico.

12 Hinduism The world’s 3rd largest religion. Mostly found in India and Nepal. It has 950 million followers. It is polytheistic (more than one god). Example: India and Nepal.

13 Hinduism Can you tell me any concepts of the Hindu faith? (What do you think the religion is?) How is it the same or different from Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic?

14 Stereotypes a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. Examples: Jews, Mexicans, Blacks, nurses.

15 What are some stereotypes that you have or somebody that you know has about a person or some culture?

16 Caste System is an elaborate and difficult social system that combines elements of occupation, culture, social class, tribal affiliation and political power. Example: India

17 How might each Brahmin be treated in the caste system
How might each Brahmin be treated in the caste system? What about the untouchables? How might women be treated in the caste system?

18 Outsourcing contracting with another company or person to do a particular function. Examples: Credit Card Companies and India.

19 What economical problems could outsourcing possibly cause for a country who moves jobs elsewhere?
What economical advantages does outsourcing create for a country?

20 Global Warming

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