BELLWORK: 12/6 How did Canada’s relationship to Great Britain impact their involvement in WWI? How did each of the Canadian Prime Ministers (Laurier vs.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: 12/6 How did Canada’s relationship to Great Britain impact their involvement in WWI? How did each of the Canadian Prime Ministers (Laurier vs."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: 12/6 How did Canada’s relationship to Great Britain impact their involvement in WWI? How did each of the Canadian Prime Ministers (Laurier vs Borden) view WWI? How did Sam Hughes contribute to Canadian mobilization? How did Britain rely on Canada during WWI? How was this reliance demonstrated in the Imperial War Conference? Why did Borden pass the Military Service Act of 1917? THINKER: How did WWI change Canada’s relationship with England, as well as, the U.S.?

2 WWI in the Americas Canada!

3 Canada pre-WWI How did Canada’s relationship to Great Britain impact their involvement in WWI? As a Dominion of the British Empire, the British government controlled Canada’s foreign policies Gained independence in domestic issues in 1867 (British NA Act) In 1912, the Canadian military was integrated into British defense plans. At the outbreak of WWI, Canada had a standing military of 4,000 men & the navy consisted of two warships.

4 How did each of the Canadian Prime Ministers view WWI?
PM Laurier ( ) PM Borden ( )

5 Declaration of War Britain declared war on August 4, 1914
This British declaration of war automatically brought Canada into the conflict "It is our duty to let Great Britain know and to let the friends and foes of Great Britain know that there is in Canada but one mind and one heart and that all Canadians are behind the Mother Country” (Wilfred Laurier)

6 Preparation for War Initial commitment was 25,000 men
Equipped & delivered to Europe at Canada’s expense…..$50 million To facilitate this mobilization, the government passed the War Measures Act. Fed.Gov. had the right to govern in times of “war, invasion or insurrection.”


8 Preparation for War How did Sam Hughes contribute to Canadian mobilization? Mobilization effort was dominated by Sam Hughes Assembled, trained, equipped men for battle (100,000 by mid-1915 & reserves in England) Organizations (YMCA & Canadian Patriotic Fund) raised money for troops, food, uniforms, weapons


10 Canada’s Role in WWI How did Britain rely on Canada during WWI? How was this reliance demonstrated in the Imperial War Conference? Providing troops to the allies on Western Front Supplier of primary resources Wheat Lumber Meat Minerals Ammunition production Imperial War Conference (Jan. 1917): Britain expected more from dominions, but they wanted a change in political status


12 HMCS Niobe stops a liner for contraband inspection off the American coast, 1914.


14 Why did Borden pass the Military Service Act of 1917?

15 Anti-War demonstration in Montreal; 1917


17 Payment for War Canada was already in debt & an economic depression prior to WWI Had to borrow money…..not from England…..who? Increased taxes (new items & income) Emerged from WWI with a debt around $5 billion How did WWI change Canada’s relationship with England, as well as, the U.S.?


19 Review: Canadian Involvement in WWI

20 HOMEWORK – WWI in the Americas: due Monday!
U.S. Homefront  pgs These are your notes – make sure you read for understanding and summarize the main concepts!

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