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Severn Tidal Power Sustainable Development and Severn Tidal Power

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Presentation on theme: "Severn Tidal Power Sustainable Development and Severn Tidal Power"— Presentation transcript:

1 Severn Tidal Power Sustainable Development and Severn Tidal Power
7 March 2009 Peter Kydd Director of Strategic Consulting Parsons Brinckerhoff

2 Severn Tidal Power Context
Why is Severn Tidal Power being studied? Security of Supply tidal power is predictable 15% EU target for renewable energy by 2020 Severn tidal power costs are less than those required to achieve the corresponding electricity target of 32% 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 requires all electricity to be carbon free by 2030

3 Sustainable Development Definition
1987:"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Our Common Future 1994: "Sustainable development is about ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come." UK government

THE OBJECTIVE: To achieve the best balance between economic, environmental and social benefits and impacts ECONOMIC SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT

5 Key points in a sustainable context
Economics Higher Energy Costs than current electricity but predictable and renewable, lasts for 120 years How much energy to extract? The greater the energy extraction, the greater the impacts. How much to invest in one project? £30bn, £20bn, £5bn, £2bn Contributes to UK Government 80% reduction of carbon emissions by 2050. More Employment but also some losses also if ports are adversely affected

6 Key points in a sustainable context
Environment Potential for large scale low carbon generation in one location Displaces carbon emissions from other power stations Night time energy could be used for electric cars? Major impact on natural environment – potential loss of habitats / species, requiring significant mitigation / compensation Reduced tidal range, water quality changes

7 Key points in a sustainable context
Social Flood Defence – barrages offer protection from surges and sea level rise but existing land drainage would require modification Impact of large transient construction labour force? Impact on Ports and associated local employment? Potential benefits – leisure, tourism, transport links?

8 Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study
All Engineering and SEA Reports are available on the public consultation web-site.

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