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Who Eats What?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Eats What?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Eats What?

2 Why Do We Eat What We Eat? Consumption of food varies around the world, both in total amount and source of nutrients, for 3 reasons  Level of economic development Physical conditions Cultural preferences/taboos

3 Dietary Energy Consumption
The amount of food that an individual consumes

4 Source of Nutrients Developed and developing regions typically differ most in their primary sources of protein consumed. Developed Countries  leading source of protein is meat products. Developing Countries  leading source of protein is cereal grains.

5 What Do You See? FIGURE PROTEIN FROM MEAT The percentage of protein from meat is much higher for people in developed countries than for those in developing countries.

6 Nutrition and Hunger Undernourishment is dietary energy consumption that is continuously below the minimum requirement for maintaining a healthy life and carrying out light physical activity. UN estimates 850 million people in world are undernourished. 99% located in developing countries Worldwide, the total number of undernourished people has not changed much in several decades.

7 Distribution of Undernourishment
FIGURE DISTRIBUTION OF UNDER NOURISHMENT More than half of the world’s undernourished people are in South Asia and East Asia.

8 Change in Undernourishment
FIGURE CHANGE IN UNDER NOURISHMENT South Asia has seen the largest increase in number of undernourished people.

9 Income Spent on Food FIGURE EXTENT OF UNDER NOURISHMENT Less than 5 percent of the population is undernourished in developed countries compared to 15 percent in developing countries.

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