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Customer Behavioural Styles

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1 Customer Behavioural Styles

2 Objectives At the end of this training, you will be able to:
Indentify Behaviour styles by level of assertiveness and responsiveness. Evaluate your own Behaviour style and that of some key customers. Modify your Behaviour to match your customers style. Apply to your daily sales routine.

3 Two Dimensions of Behaviour Matrix
Degree of Responsiveness How open or self contained are you? High Responsiveness = warm, friendly, relaxed and casual Low Responsiveness = keep emotions to yourself, formal, serious, harder to get to know Degree of Assertiveness How direct or indirect are you? High Assertiveness = very direct, speak out, make strong statements, take charge, assume a “telling” mode Low Assertiveness = quiet, cooperative, assume an “asking” mode

4 Behavioural Styles Matrix
Assertiveness and Responsiveness Dimensions are mapped to the Behavioural Style Matrix. Combination of level of responsiveness versus level of assertiveness defines the Behavioural Style.

5 Behavioural Styles Indicator
Complete the Behavioural Styles Indicator to identify: Your personal style An OP customer’s style A Retail customer’s style.

6 Key Traits of Each Style
Analytical Cautious actions and decisions Likes organization and structure Asks questions about specific details Accurate Task orientated Relies on data collection Works slowly and precisely alone Seeks security and self-actualization Good problem-solving skills

7 Modifying your Behaviour…
If your customer is… Analytical Offer tangible evidence to back up your claims Establish credibility Use third party references Be deliberate Be accurate Have paperwork completed Discuss pros and cons Minimize risk Be realistic with schedules Be thorough & specific

8 Key Traits of Each Style
Amiable Slow at making decisions Likes a close, personal relationship Dislikes conflict Supports and "actively" listens Highly intuitive Works slowly and cohesively Seeks security and belonging Good counseling skills

9 Modifying your Behaviour…
If your customer is… Amiable Break the ice first Show interest in them Refer to people they know Treat with sincerity Find common areas Listen a lot Move informally Focus on low risk Provide personal assurance Give feedback

10 Key Traits of Each Style
Driver Decisive actions and decisions Likes control Dislikes inaction Prefers maximum freedom Cool, independent, and competitive Low tolerance for feelings and attitudes Works quickly and impressively alone Seeks esteem and self-actualization Good administrative skills

11 Modifying your Behaviour…
If your customer is… Driver Provide quick action & follow-up Listen to objectives Treat with conviction Be clear and brief Stick to business specifics Provide alternatives Compare using facts Be organized Focus on results Ask more than tell

12 Key Traits of Each Style
Expressive Spontaneous actions and decisions Likes involvement from others Dislikes being alone Exaggerates and generalizes Tends to dream Jumps from one activity to another Works quickly and excitingly with others Good persuasive skills Seeks belonging and self-esteem needs

13 Modifying your Behaviour…
If your customer is… Expressive Pick up the pace Get them involved Use creativity and analogies in the conversation Share exclusive information Treat with flair Support their dreams Plan to socialize Ask for opinions Provide an implementation plan Be stimulating Provide testimonials

14 Take the Challenge! Identify two traits for each Behavioural Style.
Decisive actions Amiable Highly intuitive Tends to dream Analytical Task orientated Driver Works slowly Expressive Likes control Accurate Jumps from one activity to another

15 Application: Customer Profiles
Have one team member profile a customer in their territory. Use the “Key Traits” list Identify the customer’s behavioural style. How you would modify your own behaviour to match the customer’s style? Repeat as many times as necessary.

16 Objectives You now should be able to:
Indentify Behaviour styles by level of assertiveness and responsiveness. Evaluate your own Behaviour style and that of some key customers. Modify your Behaviour to match your customers style. Apply to your daily sales routine.

17 It is your turn to “Shoot The Puck!!!”
Development is owned by Employees, Supported by Managers, And enabled by the People Department. How are you going to apply what you learned today in trade? Know your customer’s behaviour styles before presenting. Adapt your style to maximize your interaction. Build relationships that will deliver incremental volume and share!

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