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Chapter 7 Finite Impulse Response(FIR) Filter Design

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1 Chapter 7 Finite Impulse Response(FIR) Filter Design

2 Properties of FIR filter
FIR filter has characteristics: Always stable Exactly linear phase response Simple to implement The effect of finite wordlength in FIR is less than in IIR filters (7-1) (7-2)

3 Linear phase response Phase response of FIR filter
Phase delay and group delay (7-3) where (7-4) (7-5) (7-6)

4 Conditions to be linear phase response
(7-7) (7-8) where and are constants  Constant group and constant phase delay responses

5 Impulse response of the filter should have positive symmetry
to satisfy Eq. (7-7), thus (7-9) (7-10)

6 For symmetry condition
(7-11) (7-12) (7-13) (7-14)

7 For the condition given in Eq. (7-8) Constant group delay only
Negative symmetric impulse response (7-15) (7-16)

8 Fig. 7-1.

9 Example 7-1 Symmetric impulse response for linear phase response
No phase distortion Using the symmetry condition For

10 Using the symmetry condition
Frequency response Using the symmetry condition Compact form where

11 Using the symmetry condition

12 Table 7.1 A summary of the key point about the four types of linear phase FIR filters

13 Zeros of FIR filters Transfer function for FIR filter
Positive symmetry (types 1 and 2) (7-17)

14 This means that should be zero.
has zero at (i.e., ) , then should have zero at This means that should be zero. If each complex zero does not exist on the unit circle, then have 4 conjugate reciprocal zeros : If is real and is complex number, should have conjugate zero at

15 If zero exists on unit circle, then , i.e.,
becomes If zeros are real and do not exist on the unit circle, then If zeros exist on , then

16 Impulse response of type 3 (even N) and type 4 (odd N)
If zeros exist on , then For symmetry and odd N, Should have mandatory zero at Impulse response of type 3 (even N) and type 4 (odd N) For z = 1 Mandatory zero at For and even N (7-18)

17 Mandatory zero Mandatory zero Mandatory zero Mandatory zero Fig. 7-2.

18 FIR filter design Design of FIR Filter Need to decide :
Type of filter Amplitude and/or phase responses Tolerances Sampling frequency Wordlength of the input data To calculate filter coefficients, select the method from: Window method, Optimal method, Frequency sampling method

19 Filter specifications
Important parameters Another important parameter peak passband deviation (or ripples) stopband deviation passband edge frequency stopband edge frequency sampling frequency Filter order N

20 ILPF Fig. 7-3.

21 FIR coefficient calculation
Most commonly used methods for obtaining Window, optimal, and frequency sampling methods

22 Window method Design of FIR filter using window methods
Frequency response of filter, Impulse response, Ideal lowpass response (7-19) (7-20)

23 Fig. 7-4.

24 Truncation for FIR Rectangular Window

25 Fig. 7-5.

26 Fig. 7-6.

27 Fig. 7-7.

28 Table 7.2 Summary of ideal impulse responses for standard frequency selective filters
and are the normalized passband or stopband cutoff frequencies

29 Some common window functions
Hamming window Appropriate relationship between transition width and filter length (7-21) (7-22) where N is filter order and is normalized transition width

30 Properties of common window functions
Fig. 7-8.

31 Table 7.3 summary of important features of common window functions

32 Kaiser window Trade-off transition width against ripple
Using a ripple control parameter (7-23) where is zero-order modified Bessel function of the first kind where typically

33 Determination of parameter Using the stopband attenuation requirements
Using empirical relationships The number of filter coefficients N where is the stopband attenuation , since the passband and stopband ripples are nearly equal (7-25) where is the normalized transition width

34 The window method of calculating FIR filter coefficients
Step 1 : specify the desired frequency response of filter, Step 2 : obtain the impulse response, , of desired filter by evaluating the inverse Fourier transform Step 3 : select a window function and then determine the number of coefficients using the appropriate relationship between the filter length and the transition width, Step 4 : obtain values of for chosen window function and the values of the actual FIR coefficient, , by multiplying by (7-26)

35 Example 7-2 Obtain coefficients of FIR lowpass filter using hamming window Lowpass filter Passband cutoff frequency Transition width Stopband attenuation Sampling frequency

36 Using Hamming window Considering the smearing effect of the window function

37 Symmetrical function Calculation of Using the symmetry property to obtain the other coefficients


39 Fig. 7-9.

40 Example 7-3 Obtain coefficients using Kaiser or Blackman window
From filter specifications Stopband attenuation passband attenuation Transition region Sampling frequency Passband cutoff frequency

41 Using Kaiser window The number of filter order N The ripple parameter Normalized cutoff frequency

42 Calculation of FIR coefficients

43 Symmetrical function Calculation of Using the symmetry property to obtain the other coefficients




47 Fig

48 Advantages and disadvantages
Simplicity Lack of flexibility The passband and stopband edge frequencies cannot be precisely specified For a given attenuation specification, filter designer must find a suitable window

49 The optimal method Basic concepts Equiripple passband and stopband
For linear phase lowpass filters m+1 or m+2 extrema (minima and maxima) Weighted Approx. error Weighting function Ideal desired response Practical response where m=(N+1)/2 (for type1 filters) or m =N/2 (for type2 filters)

50 Practical response Ideal response Fig

51 Fig

52 The procedure of optimal method
Use the Remez exchange algorithm to find the optimum set of extremal frequencies Determine the frequency response using the extremal frequencies Obtain the impulse response coefficients

53 Optimal FIR filer design
Transfer function of lowpass filter Symmetric property gives (7-28) where where and ,

54 Let Normalized passband : Normalized stopband :
Desired magnitude response Weighting function (7-30) (7-31)

55 Find with , (7-32) (7-33) where are and

56 Alternation theorem Let
If has equiripple inside and exhibit at least m+2 alternations, then (7-34) where

57 From equation (7-33) and (7-34)
Matrix form (7-35)

58 Summary Step 1. Select filter length as 2m+1
Step 2. Select m+2 points of in F Step 3. Calculate and e using equation (7-36) Step 4. Calculate using equation (7-29). If , go to step 5, otherwise go to step 6 Step 5. Determine m local minima or maxima points Step 6. Calculate ,

59 Example 7-4 Specification of desired filter Normalized frequency
Filter length : 3 , Normalized frequency

60 From and (7-37)

61 Transfer function of optimal filter
Selection of new Transfer function of optimal filter (7-38) (7-39)

62 Fig

63 Optimal method using MATLAB
Based on Park-McClellan and Remez algorithm Calculation of coefficient for FIR filter using Remez where N is the filter length F is the normalized frequency band edges M is the magnitude response WT is the relative weight between ripples

64 Example 7-5 Specification of desired filter
Pass band : 0 – 1000Hz Transition band : 500Hz Filter length : 45 Sampling frequency : 10,000Hz Normalized frequency band edges Magnitude response

65 Table 7-4.

66 Fig.7-14.

67 Example 7-6 Specification of desired filter
Pass band : 3kHz – 4kHz Transition band : 500Hz Pass band ripple : 1dB Rejection band attenuation : 25dB Sampling frequency : 20kHz Frequency band edges and magnitude response

68 Estimation of filter length Pass and rejection band ripples
Using Remezord in MATLAB where and are ripples of dB scale in pass and rejection band

69 Table 7-5.

70 Fig

71 Frequency sampling method
Design of FIR filter Taking N samples of the frequency response at intervals of , Filter coefficients (7-40) where , are samples of desired frequency response

72 Linear phase filters with positive symmetrical impulse response
For N even For N odd Upper limit in the summation is (7-41) where

73 Fig

74 Example 7-7 (1) Show the From equation (7-40) is symmetry
is real value (7-42)

75 (2) Design of FIR filter Specification of desired filter
Pass band : 0 – 5kHz Sampling frequency : 18kHz Filter length : 9 Selection of frequency samples at intervals of Fig

76 Coefficient of FIR filter using equation (7-42)
Table 7-6.

77 Comparison of the window, optimum and frequency sampling methods
Optimal method Easy and efficient way of computing FIR filter coefficients Making filter with good amplitude response characteristics for reasonable values of N Window method In the absence of the optimal software or when the passband and stopband ripples are equal, the window method represents a good choice Particularly simple method to apply and conceptually easy to understand Frequency sampling method Filters with arbitrary amplitude-phase response can be easily designed Lack of precise control for the location of the bandedge frequencies or the passband ripples

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