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Introduction to Virtue Ethics

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1 Introduction to Virtue Ethics
These slides were created by Elissa and Krista Rodkey. You may freely use them for teaching purposes. This section of the slides introduces virtue ethics.

2 Three Ethical Approaches
Consequentialist/Utilitarian— consequences matter Deontological/Kantian— universal principles matter Virtue Ethics— character traits matter

3 Actions vs. Traits Utilitarian and Kantian: analyzing actions
Lying is wrong Virtue Ethicists: analyzing character traits Honesty is a virtue

4 Trolley Dilemma The embedded video is to this YouTube video: (The video is of a humorous depiction of a toddler grappling with the trolley dilemma)

5 Anti-Trolley Problems
Trolley problems don’t allow alternate solutions Blind to the attitude of the person at the switch

6 Example: Honesty An honest person is more than just someone who hasn’t told lies. Their honesty is: Reliable Committed Practiced Skilled (they are good at it) Honesty is a part of who they are

7 Character Vocabulary Those traits that are a deep part of who someone is are called “character traits” Good traits are called “virtues” Bad traits are called “vices”

8 The Seven Traditional Virtues
Prudence Wisdom Courage Justice Faith Hope Love

9 The Seven Traditional Vices
Pride Envy Wrath Sloth Avarice Gluttony Lust

10 Modern Depictions of the 7 Vices

11 Trump as scientist

12 Intellectual Virtues Creative Meticulous Bold Careful Open-minded
Organized Patient Independent Fair Imaginative Honest Humble Observant Tenacious Generous Clear

13 What about diversity? Solution: A pluralistic model of virtue

14 Plural Models of Virtue
Justice Benevolence

15 Plural Models of Intellectual Virtue
Creative, curious, critical Meticulous, methodical, muleish

16 Motivating Questions What kind of person do you want to be?
How do you get there? Short Answer: Self-examination Habituation (Practice, Practice, Practice!)

17 Virtue is a Skill to Develop
So you want to learn tennis? Try it Self-examine (identify your weaknesses) Learn about common mistakes Practice! Observe tennis pros

18 Being Virtuous Changes You
Piano analogy: Becoming a skilled pianist means You understand what you are doing You are a better judge of piano playing You can improvise and adjust better and more quickly than a less skilled pianist You have new insights into music

19 Virtue leads to a flourishing life.
(and good research!) A tree of 20 virtues and 20 vices

20 Teaching Students Virtue Ethics
This section of slides can be used to introduce the suggested assignments to students. Faith Charity Hope

21 Image of Guantanamo detainees by Flickr user
Psychology’s Ethical Failures Image of Guantanamo detainees by Flickr user

22 Torture Report Graphic Novel

23 Eugenics Example

24 Record of “Insanity & Feeblemindedness” in a Family Tree
1920s Eugenics Office



27 Habit Audit Assignment
Virtue drives off the vices

28 Habit Audit Assignment
1 Week Habit Audit (How do you spend your time?) Choose a virtue to strengthen, make a plan 2 weeks to work on that virtue Brief report on experience

29 Screwtape Letters (unil 3:30)

30 Screwtape Letters Senior demon Screwtape writes tempting advice to junior demon Wormwood (

31 Screwtape Letters Paper
Come up with some Screwtape Letters-like descriptions of things a junior science-Demon might dream up to tempt a hapless psychologist. But write in voice of senior science Demon correcting him and suggesting other things to try.

32 Example Letter “My dear Slughorn, Very nice work in getting your patient to choose the graduate school that comes with the most prestige, rather than the one that allows him to pursue his passion. We want him to become convinced that the research process is merely a game to be played for honours and that one doesn’t need to give the process much thought. Encourage him in thinking that if one simply learns the rules of the game one can crank out research results as quickly as possible, and so progress his career. Happily his new advisor will help reinforce this message…”

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