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 COLIN’S day at the zoo 

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1  COLIN’S day at the zoo 
 BY: Glen McCann 

2 ♫COPYRIGHT♫ © April 22nd, 2010, Glen McCann
Edited by Derrick, Sammi, and Cali. Company: McCann's comics. Date: Thursday, April 22nd, 2010. Book written and illustrated by: Glen McCann. Owner of company and book is Glen McCann.

3 Once upon a time there was a little boy named Colin he was so bored All Colin did all day was play on his PSP Then his mom took it from him and said, “Play with something else”

4 So Colin went to his room to play on the wii Colin was on the wii for an hour at least Then his mom took the wii from Colin and said, “Go play with the dog”

5 Colin started to get mad, but tried not to show it Then Colin went to play with the dog, he threw a stick for the dog for 25 minutes Then Colin went back in the house

6 When Colin went back in the house he looked for his psp He found his PSP under the night stand Colin hid in his room and played his PSP all day

7 The next day Colin's mom came into his room and heard the sound of Colin's PSP under the bed It was Colin, he was playing on his PSP all night He had told his mom that there was nothing to do outside

8 Colin’s mom said, “Yes, there is”
“Like what?” said Colin “Well, you can make a tree fort,” said Colin’s mom “I do not like trees,” said Colin. “Ok,” said Colin’s mom

9 Just then Colin and his mom went in the car to town for Colin’s basketball tryouts He did not make the team, poor Colin

10 When Colin and his mom were going home Colin saw a poster about the Zoo Colin asked his mom if he could go to the zoo His mom said if he wanted to she would make time to go tomorrow

11 The next day, Colin told his mom he wanted to go to the zoo
Colin’s mom was amused because Colin never wanted to go anywhere that was involved with animals or outside!

12 Colin’s mom took him to the zoo Colin said that he wanted to see the foxes first His mom said ok

13 By the time they got to the foxes Colin fell asleep, so they went home Night, night Colin 

14 Biography Biography by: Glen McCann.
Hello my name is Glen McCann. I am 13 years of age. I decided to write Colin’s Day at the Zoo because some children are very good with animals and or like animals so why not read about them. To me this book is very good for children of all ages.

15 Biography page 2 By Sammi: Glen McCann was born in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia on October 18,1996. He goes to school at Hillcrest Academy in Shelburne, NS. His hobbies are playing with friends, playing basketball and playing on his X-Box 360. His favourite song is ‘Give Him Up’ by Faber Drive.

16 ♫comments♫ This book was really interesting and I enjoyed it.-Derrick
I liked it because it had video games in it.-Cali. A very funny story, a very interesting topic, and a very good story-Sammi. This was a great book for all ages! I think Glen worked on it very hard adding good pictures, details, and vocabulary! Awesome job, Glen!!- Oshia I liked it because it had all the stuff I liked in it. Good job, Glen -Isaac.

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