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How to Improve Sleep Habits

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1 How to Improve Sleep Habits

2 Benefits of Sleep Improves heart health Helps keep off extra pounds
Decreases the amount of the stress hormone, cortisol, in the body Helps keep off extra pounds Regulates blood sugar levels Improves focus and concentration Can help at work or while performing tasks such as driving Strengthens immune system Vaccines are more effective when getting enough sleep

3 Benefits of Sleep Continued…
Aids in the prevention of headaches Improves performance in the gym Strength, speed, and coordination improve when well rested Boosts mood Small challenges are less likely to cause frustration and anger Strengthens relationships More sleep reduces crankiness and can increase empathy

4 Stick to a Routine Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even on the weekends. Can help to regulate your body’s internal clock Helps you to fall asleep and stay asleep Create a bedtime ritual Allows your body time to wind down and get ready for sleep

5 Effects of Food and Drink on Sleep
Avoid going to bed hungry or overly full Eat a light snack if still hungry before bed Large meals can cause discomfort and keep you up Nicotine, Caffeine and Alcohol can all affect sleep Avoid Caffeine and Nicotine because they can cause stimulation Alcohol can disrupt sleep throughout the night

6 Sleep Environment Create an environment that is conducive for sleeping
Keep the room cool Dark rooms are a must Consider using light blocking shades or a mask Quiet rooms are also helpful White noise from a fan or other device can work as well Try to avoid any screens before bed, they will stimulate the brain making it harder to fall asleep

7 Napping Long naps during the day can interfere with sleep
If you must nap, try to limit it to around 30 minutes at the max Also avoid them late in the day However, if working nights, napping later in the day could help make up lost sleep.

8 Physical Activity Consistently exercising can improve sleep habits
Avoid exercise close to bedtime Limit stimulant use before physical activity or exercise Exercise will help you to become more tired helping with falling asleep and staying asleep Aim for 150 minutes a week of exercise

9 Manage Stress Focus on resolving any issues or concerns before sleeping Can help to ease mind and aid in sleeping If it can’t be resolved, jot it down and have it ready for the next day Simple stress management tips can also help with sleep Increasing organization Setting goals and priorities Meditation

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