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Living Systems.

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1 Living Systems

2 Review… 5 levels of organization Organized from simple to complex
Organizes levels in plants, animals, and unicellular organisms

3 What are the 5 Levels of Organization?
Cell – the basic unit of life, the simplest and smallest of the 5 levels Tissue – made up of many similar cells Organ – made up of many similar tissues Organ System – made up of many organs that work together Organism – made up of many organ systems

4 Level 1 - Cell Example = blood cell

5 Level 2 - Tissue Example = connective tissue (many blood cells)

6 Level 3 - Organ Example = blood (many tissues)

7 Level 4 – Organ System Example = circulatory system (many organs working together to do 1 job; to circulate blood throughout the body)

8 Level 5 - Organism Example = human or other animals (made up of many organ systems)

9 What happens if a level stops functioning?
All 5 levels depend on each other If something happens to 1 they can all fail The organism can not function without any of the levels of organization

10 Bones and Muscles

11 Bones and Muscles? Your skeleton allows you to move
The muscles pull on the bones to make the body move Bones protect many of the organs in our body Some bones produce things that our body needs Blood cells are made in our arms and legs Store minerals like calcium and phosphorus

12 How do Bones Form? Cartilage is a connective tissue that is more flexible than bone We are born with more cartilage than bone As we develop, we form more bone Cartilage acts like a cushion

13 Movable and Immovable Joints

14 What are Movable Joints?
Movable joints are joints in our body that can move; most of our joints There are four: Hinge joint (elbow and knee) Ball-and-socket joint (shoulder and hip) Gliding or Sliding joint (wrist) Pivot joint (neck)

15 Hinge Joint

16 Ball-and-Socket Joint

17 Gliding or Sliding Joint

18 Pivot Joint

19 What are Ligaments? The bones in movable joints are held together by a strong connective tissue called ligament

20 What are Immovable Joints?
Some joints in the body connect bones in a way that allows little or no movement, these are called immovable joints (skull and ribs)

21 How do Muscles Work? There are 2 types of muscle
Voluntary muscles are the muscles that we control ourselves Involuntary muscles are the muscles that we do not control (heart)

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