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Fairness equity.

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Presentation on theme: "Fairness equity."— Presentation transcript:

1 fairness equity

2 stopping and starting again

3 beginner neophyte

4 forest-like sylvan

5 easily annoyed testy

6 doubter agnostic

7 money value of a property

8 central idea or theme motif

9 forest-like sylvan

10 mockery travesty

11 easily annoyed testy

12 involvement in wrongdoing

13 deserted, neglected derelict

14 representation of a person

15 accusing with a crime indictment

16 doubter agnostic

17 insight perspicacity

18 full, complete plenary

19 money value of a property

20 pointless to discuss moot

21 close observation surveillance

22 senseless, silly inane

23 insight perspicacity

24 miserable and hopeless

25 fairness equity

26 full, complete plenary

27 beginner neophyte

28 long verbal attack diatribe

29 miserable and hopeless

30 long verbal attack diatribe

31 representation of a person

32 unquestionable indubitable

33 deserted, neglected derelict

34 accusing with a crime indictment

35 stopping and starting again

36 unquestionable indubitable

37 pointless to discuss moot

38 senseless, silly inane

39 central idea or theme motif

40 close observation surveillance

41 involvement in wrongdoing

42 mockery travesty

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