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United States Imperialism

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2 United States Imperialism 1890-1914

3 Background United States not part of European Imperialism during 1800’s U.S still expansionist during 1800’s Monroe Doctrine (1823) “54/40 or Fight”-Oregon Territory (1844) Mexican-American War ( ) Ostend Manifesto (1854)- U.S. desire to purchase Cuba 1867-Purchase of Alaska for $7.2 million- “Seward’s Folly” “Seward’s Icebox”

4 Expanded Markets Why did the United States want to sell their products overseas? Alfred T. Mahan- The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890) Nations need a strong navy for protection and overseas trade 1890 Census- entire frontier has been settled Senator Albert Beveridge- “March of the Flag”

5 Economic Concerns Many U.S. business interests in Cuba were disrupted by war (banks, sugar plantations, hotels) The on-going civil war in Cuba was costing American businesses money

6 Humanitarian Concerns
Stories of cruel treatment of Cubans by the Spanish – poverty, starvation, imprisonment Use of “reconcentration camps” by Spain led to the death of many innocent Cubans U.S. can’t help but be involved – “tugged at the heartstrings of the people”

7 Causes of the Spanish American War

8 Yellow Journalism U.S. newspapers ran exaggerated stories of the events in Cuba to increase circulation – blood, guts, & gory details sold papers Many stories sensationalized the events but Americans believed them to be true Public opinion → Anti-Spain

9 The DeLôme Letter Letter from Spanish official “leaked” to the press
Critical of President McKinley – called him “weak”, a “would-be politician” and a jingoist (aggressive nationalist) Considered an insult to the president & the nation Chances for peaceful negotiations were unlikely

10 Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine in Havana harbor
268 American sailors died “State of the Art” American ship destroyed Uncertain of how it happened: Spain attacked ? Boiler blew up ? Cubans sabotaged ?

11 “Spain must be responsible”
After hearing all the horrible things Spain had done American people didn’t want to wait for investigation Jumped to conclusion

12 Immediate cause of War: The sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

13 Newspapers told the story

14 Territorial Gains from SPAM
July 1898-U.S. annexed Hawaiian Islands U.S. acquired Philippines, Puerto Rico, and island of Guam U.S. recognizes Cuba but passes the Platt Amendment-US could intervene military when necessary Permanent lease on naval stations in Cuba (Guatana´namo Bay)

15 Open Door Policy in China
1800s-European Nations-Spheres of Influence U.S. wants to trade in China 1899-Secretary of State John Jay Diplomatic note sent to China and European countries with SOI in China Requests equal trading privileges Boxer Rebellion (1900) Hay sent second note in 1900

16 Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
Some Latin American countries can’t pay their debt Countries owe this debt to European Nations U.S. would intervene militarily U.S. would collect money and send to Europe Between 1902 and 1922, U.S intervened in Haiti, Honduras, Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua

17 “Speak softly and carry a Big Stick”
Wants to build Panama Canal Panama still part of Colombia U.S. supports revolution in Panama After revolution, U.S. has exclusive rights to canal zone Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901) U.S. sole control of building and operating canal

18 Importance U.S. becomes a World Power with Colonies
U.S. interests stretch around the world

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