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Active Directory Bulk Operations

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1 Active Directory Bulk Operations
3.6 Manage Active Directory Objects Active Directory Bulk Operations TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

2 Section Skill Overview
Use the LDP utility. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

3 Key Terms LDP TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

4 Key Definitions LDP: The LDP utility lets you search for and view the properties of multiple Active Directory objects. It is a GUI-based, Windows Explorer-like utility with a scope pane on the left that is used for navigating through the Active Directory namespace and a details pane on the right that is used for displaying results. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

5 Same Change to Multiple Users
Active Directory Users and Computers Limited to a subset of properties TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

6 Directory Service Commands
Directory Service (DS) commands run from a command prompt. Command Function DSAdd Creates new AD objects (users, computers, OUs, groups, contacts, and quotas). Use PowerShell for all other objects. DSMod Modifies existing AD objects. DSMove Moves AD objects and ca be used to rename AD objects. DSRM Removes AD objects. DSQuery Returns a list of AD objects that meet the search criteria. DSGet Returns a property of the specified AD object. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

7 CSVDE Comma-Separated Value Data Exchange
Used to create new Active Directory objects or export information about AD objects. Cannot modify existing accounts. Distinguished name Surname (last) name Logon name First name Sample CSVDE file ObjectClass,dn,samAccountName,GivenName,sn User, "CN=User1, OU=Employees, DC=CorpNet, DC=com", User1, User, Smith CSVDE -i -f C:\Users.csv Distinguished name Logon name First name TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity Surname (last) name

8 CSVDE CSV files can be create in Excel and export to .csv.
Limited to users, computers, OUs, groups, contacts, and quotas Can import objects using PowerShell. Import-CSV Same limited use New-ADObject cmdlet can install other objects. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

9 LDIFDE Lightweight Data Interchange Format, Data Exchange
Used for bulk changes. Lightweight Data Interchange Format Data Exchange. Blank line between each record being changed. Used to export, create, or modify account attributes. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

10 Bulk Operations Review
Use Active Directory Users and Computers when making the same change . Use LDIFDE when a large number of users need a unique change. Use CSVDE to create a large number of users. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

11 Class Discussion What is the default action for the CSVDE command?
TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity

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