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Flatworms and Round Worms!

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Presentation on theme: "Flatworms and Round Worms!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flatworms and Round Worms!

2 Phlylum Platyhelminthese = Flatworms

3 Flatworms had it FIRST!! Bilateral symmetry
Directional motion = 1st mobile predator Cephalization – development of a head Ganglia: bundle of nerve cells make up a pre-brain Nerves concentrated at ‘head end’ since sensory cells were concentrated at that end Sensory nerves formed bundles = ganglion Eyespots detect light, Auricles detect chemicals ‘smell’ 2 nerve cords transmit info to rest of body

4 New Innovations in Excretory System
cellular waste still removed by diffusion Protonephridia (NEW) flame cells help regulate solute concentration Evolve in to the nephrons of mammal kidneys First Kidney

5 Flatworm Reproduction
1st internal fertilization Evolutionary advantage Make fewer gametes Save energy Hermaphrodites = make both eggs & sperm Evolutionary advantage = you can mate with any other member of your species that you can find!

6 Ancestral Traits Gastrovascular cavity for digestion & circulation
Mouth in center of body Respiration (gas exchange) by diffusion feeding flatworm

7 Free-living Flatworms = Class Turbellaria
Marine Fresh-water

8 Flukes = Class Trematoda
Parasites of blood and liver

9 Swimmer’s Itch =Schistosoma

10 Tape Worms = Class Cestoda

11 Human Tape Worm Sources =Under cooked Prevention Beef (N. America)
Pork(S. America) Fish (Asia) Prevention Cook your meat!!!


13 Round Worms = Phylum Nematoda
1st Animal with a body cavity =pseudocoelom Fake body cavity – just a space between layers.

14 Types of body cavity (coelom)
Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate Coelomate

15 Digestive Tract 1st Alimentary Canal = one way digestive tract with mouth at one end and an anus at the other Evolutionary advantage Specialization Can eat new meal before the old one is finished processing

16 Alimentary Canal

17 Spicule injects sperm for internal fertilization
Spicule inside body Spicule extended

18 Ascaris…………………………… One of the most common parasite of humans
Up to 64% of people in some S.eastern states Eggs injested on Vegetables or from Soil

19 Hookworm in Humans Eggs in feces on ground Juviniles live in soil
juviniles burrow into human skin Travel in bloodstream to lungs Juvilinles coughed up & swallowed Mature in small intestine Adults suck blood from intestine wall (cause anemia) Common in Southern States

20 Heartworm Larva in Blood

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